May 3, 2012

Selinsgrove Rotary Club

Reach Within
to Embrace Humanity

Vol. 85, No. 41

President – Patricia A. PinkowskiEditor – Dorothy M.

Next Meeting: May 10, 2012 – Speaker is Susan Robishaw of “The Gift of Live” organ
transplant program. Konrad Kempfe is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

May 3, 2012: Thirty-one Rotarians and guests (Don Summers wife, Krista) were in
attendance for this presentation by Amy Zimmerman Scorsone, daughter of Shade
Mountain Winery founders Carl and Carolyn Zimmerman. Amy, a Susquehanna
University graduate, and her three siblings all work in the winery. Amy joined
the business in 2006. Her oldest brother is now the vintner, using their
fathers’ recipes and adding his own ideas and varieties. Toby Skinner served as
host. The winery was opened 10 years ago when Carl, who had been growing grapes
for about 20 years and selling to other wineries, realized it was possible to
make this move, leaving traditional farming behind. Grapes are now grown on 70
acres with 30 to 35 different varieties of grapes. While they sell about 50% of
the harvest to other wineries, they now produce 48 different varieties of wine
and are one of the few vine to wine productions in Pennsylvania. Annually they
sell about 35,000 gallons of wine a year, directly from the winery and through
attendance at a wide range of festivals. There are now 10 fulltime employees,
six of whom are family members, with another 10 to 25 part time and seasonal
workers. President Pinkowski shared information about the District Conference
program and identified some further ideas and programs for this club.


Announcements: Polio Plus Bike Ride is scheduled for
6/23, members are urged to participate if possible. Pat has registration sheet
and one was e-mailed to members. If not riding, one can be a virtual rider for
a donation of $25.*Savor Selinsgrove will occur in the afternoon on 6/23 –
Rotarians working on this event are Michael Hayes, Donna Shuck, Melissa
Laniewski, and John Stokinger. Proceeds are used to help in our Polio Plus
efforts. **Please consider stepping up
to assist with Movie Nights this summer. Held on the 1st and 3rd
Thurs. of June, July and Aug., at dusk, the equipment for this program was
purchased through a Rotary Simplified Grant. Please call or e-mail Michael
Hayes to volunteer to be a part of this fun Rotary community program.***Michael
Damiano emphasized EREY donations to Rotary Foundation to be made before the
end of the Rotary year.

Good News of Rotary International: Konrad Kempfe shared information about the Champions
of Change awards given to 10 Rotarians at the White House, noting the extensive
world-wide service work of RI.


Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: himself
(dinner at Penn State sitting with Bob White); John Fischer (Kendra Aucker
being honored by the boy scouts as citizen of the year); Mike flock (Joyce and
the Distinguished Service event; John Bickhart’s enjoyment of his new job);
Dave Lawer (Bob’s Vi feeling better, and the DA on TV); Konrad Kempfe (FEW
program); Bob Soper (Dave’s noting Vi’s improvement); Charlie McCuen (birth of
granddaughter); Melissa Lanewski (daughter graduating from Penn State); Toby
Skinner (speaker); Jerry Rhoads (late); Sheri Hoffman (son’s baseball pitching
success); Don Summers (wife’s attendance); Hal Schriver (attendance at FEW
program); Donna Shuck (third move, Dist. Conf., large yard sale coming); and
Kevin Wable (Earl).


Future Programs:

May 17
Rotary and SACF Scholarship Winners will be introduced by Kendra Aucker, Chair
of the Selinsgrove Area Community Foundation Scholarship Committee. SVCC, 11:45

May 24 – Stacy
Butler, State Farm Insurance will be the speaker. Sheri Hoffman is the host.
SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

May 31 – Marcellas Shale – speaker is Mark Herer. Toby
Skinner is the host. John Stokinger will edit the newsletter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

June 7 – TBA
– SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Michael Hayes
will edit the newsletter.


May 15
– John Stokinger. June 24 – Pat Pinkowski.

Quotation: “What we have at the center of our
attention is what has us.”

Mark De Haan