May 31, 2012

Selinsgrove Rotary Club

   Reach Within to Embrace

85, No.
46  President – Patricia A.
Editor – Mike Flock

June 7 – Ashburn’s
Animals.  SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Don Summers is the host. Michael Hayes
will edit the newsletter.


May 31, 2012: Twenty-two Rotarians
were in attendance to hear Dr. Mark A. Heuer of Susquehanna University
talk about MarcellusShale and the
effect on our area.High volume
hydraulicfracturing (fracking) uses
millions of gallons of water to extract natural gas deep underground.
In 2011
American River
nonprofit organization named the Susquehanna River
as the nation’s most endangered river because of the massive amounts of water
taken from it to use for fracking. (Recently Chesapeake Energy was fined $1
million for water supply contamination in Pennsylvania.) Pennsylvania recently passed a 1% impact
fee. The impact fee is supposed to be used for environmental remediation or to develop “green” practices within the state.
As much as 44,000 jobs were created through 2010 either directly or indirectly
with fracking. The next “worry” will be when fracking ceases in Pennsylvania and large
numbers of jobs and population will leave the state.Who will be left to maintain the
infrastructures and effects of fracking.


Anderson is recuperating from her knee surgery and is doing well.Bob Fogle
still has Chicken BBQ tickets available if anybody needs more. Joyce Anderson
requests assistance to help the set-up of the Chicken BBQ on June 9th.
Morning workers would meet at 6:00 am. There are also openings during the day
that still need to be filled.Polio
Plus Bike Ride is scheduled for 6/23, members are urged to participate. Pat
will circulate a signup sheet next week to identify folks who can be of
assistance at Rotary Field on the morning of the bike ride.*Savor Selinsgrove
will occur in the afternoon on 6/23 – Rotarians working on this event are
Michael Hayes, Donna Shuck, Melissa Laniewski, and John Stokinger. All members
are urged to sell two tickets to the event.  Proceeds are used to help in
our Polio Plus efforts. **June 9 is the Rotary Chicken Barbeque – Bob Fogle and
Earl Ferster distributed tickets and a signup sheet for workers. All members
are expected to sell 10 tickets and to sign up to help at the event. There will
be little League games occurring at the field as usual.***Open House , June 2
at Ashburn’s Animals.****New DG Jim Eberly’s installation is June 30 at
Tofftrees Resort. Cost is $30 per person for brunch beginning at 11 a.m. RSVP
to Carol Walsh,


Good News of Rotary International:


Sergeant at arms:

Happy Fines paid: Melissa
Laniewski for missing meetings while on Vacation in Hawaii and also in honor of today’s speaker.
Art Bowen in honor of the speaker, also that Melissa is back from Hawaii and he also had a
great time on vacation in NJ with his grandchildren. Jared Roush for missing
two meetings and how quickly Melissa sold his house. Sherry Hoffman for her
children receiving awards at school and glad that today is the last day of
school. Charlie McCuen for his vacation in Florida and is excited about the Golf
Marathon benefiting the Selinsgrove Library. Hal Dunkelberger that his father
is 95 and attends Rotary meetings also for spotting a Bald Eagle in the Port
Trevorton area. Toby Skinner in honor of today’s speaker. Earl Ferster in honor
of today’s speaker and glad for the collection of happy fines.




June 14 – Dr.
Pat Bruno will speak about Child Abuse and Bullying. Nelson Bailey is the host.
SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Mike Flock will edit the newsletter.

June 21 –
Snyder County 4H speaker Kathy Weller. Toby
Skinner is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m., Mike Flock will edit the newsletter.

June 28 –
Installation of 2012-13 Officers and Directors and Awarding of Paul Harris
Fellows. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


  June 24 – Pat Pinkowski.