June 14, 2012

  Selinsgrove Rotary Club

Reach Within to Embrace Humanity

Vol. 85, No.
48           President – Patricia A. Pinkowski                
Guest Editor – Mike Flock

Next Meeting: June 21 –Snyder County 4H speaker Kathy Weller. Toby Skinner is
the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m., Mike Flock will edit the newsletter.


May 31, 2012:   Twenty-one Rotarians were in attendance to hear Dr.
Pat Bruno talk about the effects of child abuse.Dr. Bruno has worked at Sunbury
Community Hospital
and Geisinger Medical Center
and has become am expert witness in child abuse cases.As disturbing as this subject is, he has
adopted an approach of “How Can I Not?” He has been involved in over 4,000
child abuse cases.The Child Protection
Services Law has mandated ChildLine (1-800-932-0313) where anyone can report a
suspected case of abuse.It has also
established Children and Youth agencies as well as mandating child abuse
reports from Doctors, teachers and others.Child abuse is preventable and Dr. Bruno spends a great deal of his time
trying to educate the public on how to recognize this and then what can they
do.He asks that everyone become a hero
by stepping up if you are ever confronted with knowledge of a suspected child
abuse situation.Remember, reporting is
an anonymous action step.


Good News from Rotary: In N E India a Rotary club assisted in
providing a 7 year old with open heart surgery.Afterwards this story became a movie and a national hit.The combination of Districts 7350 and 7370
came of without a hitch.


AnnouncementsThe Polio Plus Bike Ride is scheduled for 6/23 – members are urged
to participate by riding or to sign-up to provide assistance at Rotary Field on
the morning of the bike ride: 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM. 4th Annual Savor
Selinsgrove (www.selinsgrove.net) is
scheduled for Saturday, June 23rd, from 2 to 5 PM in downtown
Selinsgrove – Rotarians organizing this event are Michael
, Donna Shuck, Melissa Laniewski, and John Stokinger. Each Rotarian is urged to help by
selling at least two tickets to the event.  Proceeds benefit Polio Plus
and The Commons. Movie Nights on Rotary Field will occur the 2nd and
4th Thursdays from June through August at dusk. Mike Piecuch and Dave Lauer are co-chairing this
Rotary initiative and invite each Rotarian to come out for each of these
fun-filled, community-building times for fellowship with family, friends and


Sergeant at arms: Happy fines were collected from Marv Rudnitsky (Dr. Bruno, Don
Harnum & Italy trip), Donna Schuck (NYC Trip, World Trade Center &
Phila trip & Kendra’s award), Hal Dunkleberger (BBQ), Pat Pinkowski (BBQ
& 45th Wedding Anniversary), Mary Peterhaensel (3 grandkids
b-days), Tom Gates (Library Golf Marathon), Bob Soper (Kendra’s award &
Bermuda trip),Dave Lawer (BBQ &
41st anniversary & Dr. Bruno), Wes Knapp
(daughter’s good biopsy & graduating seniors), Mike Flock (Kendra’s award),
Mike Piecuch (Dr. Bruno &
Hershey Park trip), Joyce Anderson (Dr. Bruno, BBQ, 3 grandkids report cards
& Cub Scouts), Charlie McCuen ( Golf Marathon), Dr. Pat Bruno (Rotary
efforts to eradicate polio) and Dr. Nelson Bailey (Dr. Bruno).


Future Programs

June 28 – Installation of 2012-13 Officers and
Directors and Awarding of Paul Harris Fellows. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Birthdays:   June 24 – Pat Pinkowski.

Quotation: Trust men and they will be true to you;
treat them greatly, and they will show themselves great.Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882)