Aug. 16, 2012

Rotary Club

Peace through Service

Vol. 86, No. 6         

President – Donna Schuck                Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: August 23, 2012 – Steve Briggs, Susquehanna
Football Coach and Selinsgrove grad Susquehanna player will be our guests. Dave
Lawer is the host. John Stokinger will preside. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Aug. 16, 2012: Twenty-one
Rotarians were present for this Club Assembly on
Membership presented by Director of Club Service, Art Bowen. Our club
statistics were shared and emphasized the importance of recruiting new members
so our Club thrives well into the future. Art shared information from Rotary
international about identifying potential members, recruiting and retaining
them and fully engaging folks as Rotarians. Our goal for the 2012-13 year is 11
new members. Expect to engage in continuing conversation and to see additional
information about this topic in future newsletters.

Announcements: Remember Movie Night on Rotary Field occurs the 2nd and 4th
Thursdays from June through August at dusk, (weather permitting) on Rotary
field.*2012-13 calendars are available for all members**Pat Pinkowski has
recruiting Rotarians to help at the Football booster Sat., 8/18 event on Rotary
Field – we will be making and selling popcorn.***Golfers still needed for 9/10
20th anniversary Golf Tournament. See John Fischer.***See President
Donna for information about the 9/8 foundation dinner and seminars to be held
in Hagerstown.****Donna read a delightful thank you note from James Herman who
attended free enterprise week this summer and truly appreciated the scholarship
from the Club.*****Earl Ferster circulated a signup sheet for purchase of ice
cream, etc. for Market St. Festival (9/22).

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: Happy Birthday Earl
Ferster; Ken Miller (for Art Bowen’s success and generosity in having Hawks
take care of the downed trees on Rotary field); himself (Mark Radecke’s delayed
birthday celebration at the baseball game); John Stokinger (visits with family,
esp. new grandson, and vacation); Donna Schuck (Ken and Art’s work re the
trees, trip with daughter via the Biltmore Estate); Mary Peterhaensel (Good
Samaritan who stopped and went out of is way to change her tire); Pat Pinkowski
(time with her mother this next week); John Thompson (paper accepted for
publication); Dave Lawer (back and Mike Piecuch’s call re last Thurs. and the
outdoor movie); Bill Clark (Art); Nelson Bailey (mother in law in Rome); Donna
Long (attending church’s Global Leadership Conference); Bob Fogle (back); and
Earl Ferster again (+15, Art and Ken).


Future Programs:

30 – ESCRA manager John Abromitus will be the speaker with Art Bowen serving as
host, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

6 – Nelson Bailey is the host. TBA, 11:45 a.m.

13 – Charlie McCuen hosts the program. TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m. John Stokinger
will edit the newsletter.

20 – Club Assembly about New Generations Avenue of Service, Donna Schuck and
Mike Flock, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Birthdays: Aug. 29 – Jay Lemons. Sept. 2 – Tom Gates; 4 – John Fischer; 6 –
Melissa Laniewski; 23 – Don Summers.

“When all men think alike, no one thinks very much.” Walter Lippmann