Rotary Club
Peace through Service
Vol. 86, No. 8
President – Donna Schuck Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: Sept. 6, 2012 – TBA, Art Bowen is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Aug. 30, 2012: Twenty-seven
Rotarians were present for a presentation by John
Ambromitus, Manager of the Eastern Snyder County Regional Authority. The
authority is made up of Selinsgrove, Penn Township, Hummels Wharf, and Shamokin
Dam.The plant was opened in 1980, and
underwent a 7 million dollar rehab in 2004. The moratorium on new connections
was because the authority reported higher loads then designed to handle in 7
out of 12 months in 2011. However, they were able to process the organic
overload and did not violate discharge standards. The DEP has partially lifted
the restrictions and allowed 40 new connections in all of the districts except
Selinsgrove. All but one of those 40 is already assigned. An additional permitting
process re storm water is the next step, requiring an Act 537 update. Should
this be successful, 80 additional new connections will be allowed. Art Bowen
served as host.
Announcements: Please check the 2012-13 calendars and look to see when you are the program host. It
is especially helpful if you tell the Editor who will be speaking at least a
month ahead of that date.* Additional Golfers welcome for 9/10’s 20th
anniversary Golf Tournament. A sheet will be circulated for volunteers for the
day of the event. Don Summers is seeking items for gifts for players.**President
Donna, Pat Pinkowski and Donna Long will be attending the 9/8 foundation dinner
and seminars to be held in Hagerstown.***A signup sheet for purchase of ice
cream, etc. for Market St. Festival (9/22) was circulated, as well as a sheet
for volunteers. We will have two booths – one selling food items and one to
promote Rotary and collect for Polio Plus.****Sat. Oct. 20 the Club is to
participate at Kidsgrove anniversary, see John Stokinger if you are willing to
coordinate our participation.*****President Donna visited with our exchange
student, Megan Adams the evening before her departure for Brazil and gave her a
Selinsgrove gift bag to take with her. Megan has started a blog to stay in
touch and Donna will provide “address” to interested members.******Bob Soper
shared info re Jerry Rhoades progress and Ann Schrivers surgery and move.
Good News of Rotary International: Konrad shared information about a joint global
program between Mozambique and Denmark which provided a sanitation system to a
2000 population school in Maputo. The Global Sanitation grant provided running
water and bathrooms to the school..
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows from: Dottie Anderson
(for Mike Piecuch, Dave Lawer, and Brian Neitz’s work for Movie Nights); Wes
Knapp (back and school open); Charlie McCuen (report on granddaughter’s
successful surgery); Donna Schuck (visit with daughter at Biltmore House);
Konrad Kempfe (Donna visiting Megan); Davve Lawer (Nelson writing rec for Steve
Briggs son); John Fischer (golf committee recognition); Chad Cohrs (good start
to school and development of Alumni Association and Legacy Fund); Bob Soper
(thank you Dave Lawer for noticing weeding work at field and thank you Toby for
planting the flowers); Bob Fogle (lost badge); Don Harnum (folks working at
East Snyder Park and 50+ high school reunion); John Stokinger (38th
wedding anniversary and special birthday present for his wife); Art Bowen
(Nelson doing a letter for his brother years ago and Jersey shore vacation);
and Earl Ferster (+15 and all the help for Market St. Festival in advance) .
Future Programs:
13 – Charlie McCuen hosts the program. TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m. John Stokinger
will edit the newsletter.
20 – Club Assembly about New Generations Avenue of Service, Donna Schuck and
Mike Flock, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
27 – Dr. Wesley Knapp will speak about public education. Ken Miller is the
host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
4 – TBA. Bill Clark hosts the program. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Sept. 3 – Tom Gates; 4 – John Fischer; 6 – Melissa Laniewski; 23 –
Don Summers. Oct. 4 – Chad Cohrs; 21 – John Reed.
“Laughter is the corrective force which prevents us from becoming cranks.”
Henri Bergson