Sept. 27, 2012

Selinsgrove Rotary

Peace through Service

Vol. 86, No. 11          

President – Donna Schuck                Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: Sept. 27, 2012 – Speaker will be Rotarian, Dr.
Wesley Knapp on the topic of improvements in public education. Ken Miller is
the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Sept. 13, 2012: Thirty
Rotarians (including John Fischer’s guest,
visiting Rotarian Jeff Schaum) were present for the Club Assembly about the New
Generations Avenue of Service led by Donna Schuck and Mike Flock. After
presentation and discussion, members indicated interest in developing a 4 Way
Speech Contest for high school students. With assistance from Chad Cohrs and a
high school teacher, the Club would hold a contest, with the winner going on to
one of four Regional Conferences, and the winner from the Regional then
competing at the District Conference for a $1000 prize, with runner ups receiving
$300. Club members also expressed interest in the RYLA program (Rotary Youth
Leadership Awards) and hosting an inbound college student. A Board Meeting

AnnouncementsJohn Stokinger and Earl Ferster spoke
about our participation
at the Market St. Festival this
Sat., 9/22. We will have two booths – one selling food items and one to promote
Rotary and collect for Polio Plus.*In lieu of participating at the Oct. 20
Kidsgrove anniversary event, Club will contribute $40 to them.**Art Bowen spoke
about membership development and circulated a membership survery on which
members can list potential new members.***The Editor needs someone to edit the
newsletter on Oct. 11 – please be in touch with Dottie if you are able to edit
the newsletter on that date.


Good News of Rotary International: Konrad Kempfe shared information about Rotarian
Katia de Mello Dantas, a former Rotary Peace Scholar Fellow, now Director For
Latin America and the Caribbean for Missing and Exploited Children in Brazilia,

Sergeant at arms: Konrad Kempfe collected happy fines from: John Fischer (his guest, Club
Golf Team coming in second); Hal Dunkleberger (running in to Don Harnum and Jim
Taylor in Gettysburg); Don Harnum (happy to be better singer than Nelson or John
Reed); Nelson Bailey (good health at an “advanced age”); Chad Cohrs (fishing
trip, parents weekend); Art Bowen (grandkids at Kidsgrove, Don’s talk for SUN
Home, Heart Walk); Dave Lawer (not being on the 6:30 a.m. crew and guest);
Charlie McCuen (healthy new granddaughter); John Reed (back and guest); Mike
Flock (speaking); himself (the outer banks); Donna Long (new baby); and Earl
Ferster (trip and + 15).

Proposed New Member:Jeffrey Schaum, CFO of Kreamer Feeds and currently a
member of the Lancaster Rotary Club, sponsored by John Fischer. Any objections
should be conveyed to President Schuck within 7 days of this notice.

Future Programs:

4 – Mike Malesevich of Malesevich Energy Conservation will be the speaker. Bill
Clark hosts the program. Nominating Committee Appointed. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

11 – Scott Billings of Billings Vending Services will be the speaker. Brian
Neitz is the host.Newsletter
Editor needed. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

18 – Club Assembly on Vocational Service. Toby Skinner hosts. Mike Flock edits
the newsletter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

25 – TBA, Mary Peterhaensel hosts. Mike Flock edits newsletter. SVCC, 11:45

Birthdays: Oct. 4 – Chad Cohrs; 21 – John Reed. Nov. 6 – Donna Schuck; 8 –
Jerry Rhoads; 15 – Art Bowen.

“People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have
people think they don’t care what people think.” George Carlin