Oct. 4, 2012

Selinsgrove Rotary

Peace through Service

Vol. 86, No. 13          

President – Donna Schuck                Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: Oct. 11, 2012 – Speaker will be Scott Billings
of Billings Vending Services. Brian Neitz is the host. Melissa Laniewski will
edit the newsletter.
SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Oct. 4, 2012: Twenty-two Rotarians (including Jeff Schaum, John Fischer’s guest) were
present as Mike Molesevich, Energy Consultant and graduate of Juniata College,
described the nature of his work. He has over 30 years of experience performing
Environmental Site Assessments (usually for the purchaser), underground storage
tank removal, Environmental remediation, soil and ground water sampling and
analyses. PA. Act 2, the Land Recycling and Remediation Standards Act, informs
the nature of his work as Molesvich Environmental, LLC. Bill Clark hosted the
program. In compliance with our by-laws, President Schuck announces the
appointment of the Nominating Committee: Pat Pinkowski, Wes Knapp and Chad
Cohrs, Chair. The Committee is to announce the slate on 11/1, with elections
occurring at the Annual Meeting held 11/15.


Announcements: Rotary Tree Fest book for 2012 is Johnny
. Dottie Anderson, Pat
Pinkowski and Toby Skinner are the committee members. Tree Fest will take place
in the renovated Selinsgrove Library and Borough Building Nov. 30 to Dec. 14;*Mike
Piecuch and Mike Flock are developing a new group – Snyder County Coalition for
Kids – see either of them for additional information;**RLI Course is 11/10 –
see President Donna for additional info.


Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines from: John Stokinger (SVC concert);
Dottie Anderson (50th class reunion); Bill Clark (speaker and trip
to Italy, Nationals in the playoffs); Joyce Anderson (speaker and grandson
getting dictionary, Don Summers); Melissa Laniewski (Karl Rohrbach recovering,
she’s back); Tom Gates (baseball wins, Marv’s Southern accent); Dave Lawer
(daughter’s engagement, the kindness of “strangers” in this area); Donna Schuck
(Summers and Fischer’s being Beds for a Cause hosts); John Fischer (Jeff,
speaker being Juniata College grad, library auction recipe); Mike Flock (Outer
Banks); Charlie McCuen (Outer Banks and Florida, Detroit Tigers); and Mike
Piecuch (Camp Cadet fund raiser, son’s Birthday and Earl’s +15 dollar)

Future Programs:

18 – Vocational Service,Toby Skinner. Chad Cohrs will introduce Dennis Hain,
Adminstrative Director of SUN Area Technical Institute. Mike Flock edits the
newsletter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

25 – TBA, Mary Peterhaensel hosts. Mike Flock edits newsletter. SVCC, 11:45

1 – TBA, Michael Damiano hosts. Nominating Comm. Reports. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

8 – TBA, Mike Piecuch hosts. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

15 – Veteran Recognition, Annual Meeting and Election of Officers/Directors,
SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Birthdays: Oct. 21 – John Reed. Nov. 6 – Donna Schuck; 8 – Jerry Rhoads; 15 –
Art Bowen.

“In order to become the master, the politician pretends to be the servant.” Charles