Dec. 21, 2012

Rotary Club

Peace through Service

Vol. 86, No. 24          

President – Donna Schuck                Editor – Dottie Anderson

: Dec. 27, 2012 – No meeting between Christmas and New Year’s –
Have a happy and safe holiday.

Jan. 3 – Classification/Vocational Talks – Jared Roush is the
host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Dec. 20, 2012: Dirk Reimensnyder, Wildlife Conservation
Officer with the Pennsylvania Game Commission, spoke about the current hunting
season, bears, deer, and the “life” of a Conservation Officer. As always, he
was very informative and responsive to the numerous questions of the 29 Rotarians
and guests who were present. His “favorite” is clearly the bear which he finds
to be a majestic animal worthy of our respect. Ken Wagner was the host. In
addition to Dirk, Ken’s guest was his business partner, Brian Elsasser. Donna’s
guest was her daughter, Kelly Warman.


Announcements: We will meet at the SVCC throughout January and
.*Thanks to all who assisted with the Salvation Army Bell
Ringing.**As we prepare to enter a new year, PLEASE, check the Club Calendar to
see when you are host of the program and keep in mind that it is helpful to
everyone for the Editor to be able to publish the names of speakers at least
four weeks ahead.***District Conference is scheduled for 4/26-28.

Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe shared
information from our Thank You Letter from Shelter Box and about a California
Rotarians work with Ugandan children, including paying for education of 8

at arms:
Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday
fines from himself, Sheri Hoffman (also for Holiday Party and Bob Fogle),
Nelson Bailey and his twin, as well as from Mike Flock (Coalition for Kids
meeting this past Friday; $22,000 donation to the Library Capital Campaign from
SACC and the Robinsons); Dave Lauer (Bell Ringers and attending Rolling Stone
Concert); Mary Peterhaensel (house renovations complete); John Fischer (Bob
Fogle); Pat Pinkowski (totally ready for Christmas and grandson); Wes Knapp
(Coalition meeting, barn raising fund raiser); Art Bowen (granddaughter’s
birthday and Christmas in NJJ); Ken Wagner (guests: speaker and new business
partner); Donna Schuck (Sheri’s work for Holiday Party, Bob Fogle, Bell Ringers
and daughter); Brian Elsasser (for being here) and Earl Ferster (+15 and well
deserved Bob Fogle honor).

Future Programs:

Jan. 10 – GSE Team will visit with us, Marv Rudnitsky is the host.
SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Jan. 17 – Jeff Specht, CFO of Sunbury Generation, John Fischer is
the host. Board meeting will follow. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Jan. 24 – Youth in Philanthropy, Kara Sheeholtz, Director for the
Central SusquehannaCommunity
Foundation. Mike Flock is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Jan. 31 – Urban/Rural Night Program and Dinner – 6:30 p.m. at
Christ Community United Methodist Church, Park Road. Speaker will be the
Secretary of Agriculture. Signup sheet will be circulated. Guests and partners
welcome. Jerry Rhoads is the host.


Birthdays: Dec.19 – Jeff Schaum; 30 – Dottie Anderson. Jan. 5 – Michael
Damiano; 12 – Mike Piecuch; 17 – Mike Flock, Wes Knapp.

“Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong.”
