Jan. 10, 2013

Rotary Club

Peace through Service

Vol. 86, No. 26          

President – Donna Schuck                Editor – Dottie Anderson

Jan. 17 – Jeff Specht, CFO of Sunbury Generation will be the
speaker. John Fischer is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. A Board of Directors
meeting will follow.


January 10, 2013: Thirty-two Rotarians and guests were
present as the 2012 District 7370 Group Study Exchange Team that went to The
Philippines, visited with the Club. Rotarian and team leader John Kador, of the
Lewisburg Club, introduced team members Nicole P. Quinlanand Stacey Minarsky. John call to action
following the trip is to raise money to provide scholarships for autistic
Philippine children to be a part of the REACH program. Nicole, a pediatric
psychologist at GMC, found her call to action in the Special Education
Classroom of a poor school. Stacey, an X-ray technician at GMC, found a special
project with providing a well, with potable water for children living in
poverty. It is clear that all three had life changing experiences. Marv Rudnitsky was the host.

Announcements: We will meet at the SVCC throughout January and
.*Joyce Anderson received and red a portion of a thank you note
from Children and Youth for our Christmas Family project.**Donna shared a thank
you note sent to the Club from Kidsgrove.**District Conference is scheduled for

Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe shared
information about a Rotary project in Honduras, providing two outreach centers
for young people to get them off the street and provide a safe atmosphere for
homework, tutoring sports, etc.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday Mike
Piecuch; himself (back and O’Brien staying at Penn State); John Stokinger
(visit with Dave Lauer to the Lewisburg Sunset Club re Dental Clinic project);
Jeff Schaum (Mike Flock covering his birthday); John Fischer (SACF Board
Meeting and 10,000 grown to $650,000); Earl Ferster (leaving early and
anticipating +15); Sherri Hoffman (healing and daughter singing National
Anthem); Dave Lauer (Birthday boy, speakers, and John Stokinger); Donna Schuck
(Dave’s work, and family coming and going); Hal Dunkelberger (75% attendance);
Mike Flock (family Christmas and Eagle sitings); Donna Long (Bd late); Nelson
Bailey (new book); and Jerry Rhoades (2013 should be ok).



Jan. 24 – Youth in Philanthropy, Kara Sheeholtz, for the Central
SusquehannaCommunity Foundation. Mike
Flock is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Jan. 31 – Urban/Rural Night Program and Dinner – 6:30 p.m. at
Christ Community United Methodist Church, Park Road. Speaker will be the
Secretary of Agriculture. Signup sheet will be circulated. Guests and partners
welcome. Sunbury Club members invited. Jerry Rhoads is the host.

Feb. 7 – Speaker will be Dr. Myers from Vision Max. SVCC, 11:45

Feb. 14 – Club Assembly on International Service Avenue of
Service, Konrad Kempfe. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Birthdays: Jan.17 – Mike Flock, Wes Knapp. Feb. 3 – Toby Skinner; 11 –
Michael Hayes.

“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination,
and hard work.”

Colin Powell