Rotary Club
Peace through Service
Vol. 86, No. 27
President – Donna Schuck Editor – Dottie Anderson
Meeting: Jan. 24 – Kara Sheeholtz, from the CSCF, will speak about Youth in
Philanthropy. Mike Flock is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
January 17, 2013: Twenty-five Rotarians and guests were in
attendance to hear a presentation about Sunbury Generation by Dave Meehan,
President. Also present was Ed Graybill, VP for Operations and Jeff Specht,
CFO. Dave, who has been President since 2008, shared the history of electricity
generation in Sunbury since 1 920 and plans for changing plant from coal to
natural gas with a “combined cycle” project by 2015. A Board of Directors
meeting followed.
Announcements: We will meet at the SVCC throughout January and
February.*District Conference is scheduled for 4/26-28.**Board is
delighted to announce that Chris Kenawell will be returning to active
membership in the Club.***President Donna recently attended a new President’s
meeting in Bloomsburg at which information was shared concerning changed in
grant names and process for applications.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: from Wesley Knapp
(happy birthday and our guests); John Stokinger (family Christmas and leaving
early); Jeff Schaum (Chip Kelly and the Eagles); Joyce Anderson (speaker and
guests); John Fischer (guests); Mike Flock (family Christmas); John Thompson
(being here); Tom Gates (late); Dave Lauer (guests); Art Bowen (still working
and guests); Donna Schuck (Wes’s birthday); and himself (+15 for Earl).
Jan. 31 – Urban/Rural Night Program and Dinner – 6:30 p.m. at
Christ Community United Methodist Church, 3939 Park Road, Selinsgrove. Speaker
will be the Secretary of Agriculture. Signup sheet being circulated. Call Jerry
Rhoads (374-2277) is you’ll miss signing up. Guests and partners welcome.
Sunbury Club members invited. Jerry Rhoads is the host.
Feb. 7 – Speaker will be Dr. Myers from Vision Max. SVCC, 11:45
Feb. 14 – Club Assembly on International Service Avenue of
Service, Konrad Kempfe. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Feb. 21 – Jeff Schaum will give is classification/vocational talk.
Art Bowen is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Jan. 24 – Mike Flock. Feb. 3 – Toby Skinner; 11 – Michael Hayes.
“We must learn to live together as brothers (and sisters) or perish together as
Martin Luther King Jr.