Rotary Club
Peace through Service
Vol. 86, No. 28
President – Donna Schuck Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: Jan. 31
– Urban/Rural Night Program and Dinner – 6:30 p.m. at Christ Community United
Methodist Church, 3939 Park Road. Speaker will be the Secretary of Agriculture.
Jerry Rhoads is the host. If you missed signing up, call Jerry (374-2277) by Sunday.
Partners and guests welcome. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
January 24, 2013: Thirty-one Rotarians and guests were present
as Kara Sheeholtz, Senior Program Officer of the Central Susquehanna Community
Foundation, spoke about the Youth in Philanthropy program. Mike Flock was the
host, and he provided the background of the Foundation for Student Giving that functioned from 1998 to 2005. He, as a board member
of the CSCF, is now involved in the YIP program which seeks to teach high
school students about the meaning of philanthropy by giving a student group
$5000 to give to non-profit community groups. YIP provides students the opportunity
to learn about needs assessment, creating applications, presenting to
elementary students, reading and eventually deciding on a group to receive a
grant. Five high schools are engaged currently in the process with as many as 8
in one year when there are sufficient funds.
Announcements: We will meet at the SVCC throughout January and
February.*District Conference is scheduled for 4/26-28.**Daffodil Day sales
sheet circulated by Earl Ferster, with the bunch of flowers to be delivered
3/31. The sheet will be circulated again. ***Newsletter distribution is
changing – with printing occurring now at the Bowen Agency. Please let the
editor know if you have new e-mail and/or are ready to change receipt of
newsletter from hard mail to e-mail and vice versa.
Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe shared a thank you
note from the Wheelchair Foundation and news about a program in Antipolo,
Philippines designed to teach more than 2000 women to run businesses and
balance family and work responsibilities.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected fines as follows: Happy Birthday from
Mike Flock (who also paid a fine for the speaker); Wes Knapp (wearing badge
home); Melissa Laniewski (her guest); Jeff Schaum (Marv’s office, away for a
week); Donna Long (back, family birthdays, church shoe program); Sheri Hoffman
(daughter’s school); Charlie McCuen (Fl. trip); Jerry Rhoads (discharged); Bob
Soper (Dave Lauer and Lehigh winning); Mike Piecuch (Leslie and Tom Gates);
Earl Ferster (+15 and guilt trip re badge); Don Summers (late and wife’s arm
healing well); John Fischer (Mike Flock’s birthday and speaker); Chad Cohrs
(lip sync); and Tom Gates (late and day in court).
Feb. 7 – Speaker be Dr. Myers from Vision Max. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Feb. 14 – Club Assembly on International Service Avenue of
Service, Konrad Kempfe. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Feb. 21 – Dave Lauer will give his vocational/classification talk.
Art Bowen is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Feb. 28 – Gary Grossman, Publisher of The Daily Item will
be the speaker. Tom Gates is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Feb. 3 – Toby Skinner; 11 – Michael Hayes.
“There is no they, only us.”