Selinsgrove Rotary
Peace through Service
Vol. 86, No. 31
President – Donna Schuck Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: Feb. 21,
2013 – Dave Lawer will give his vocational/classification talk. SVCC, 11:45
Valentine’s Day
14, 2013: Twenty plus Rotarians and guests
were present for the International Service Club Assembly, hosted by Director
Konrad Kempfe. We viewed videos from 3 different international projects – Sri Lanka
(where local Rotarians have built/rebuild 20 schools that were destroyed by the
tsunami), Paris, France(local clubs
devised a project that provided scholarships to young reporters, both allowing
them to find their vision as well as to become closely acquainted with Rotary
and Rotary International); and Brazil (where two local Rotarians designed and
built a school which also provides social services in and for the residents of
Rio’s poorest community with support from Clubs in Brazil and Germany). These
are the types of programs that make one proud to be a Rotarian. This was this
week’s Good News from Rotary. Brian Kelly, the Susquehanna
sophomore from Chambersburg who is interested in starting a Rotaract,
introduced himself to the members and shared how he about Rotary after receiving
an international exchange scholarship which allowed him to study for a year in Belgium.
Announcements: District
Conference is scheduled for 4/26-28.*Daffodil Day sales sheet was circulated
for the last time by Jerry Rhoads. The flowers will be delivered 3/21, and you’ll
pay for them then.**The first round of the 4 way test speech contest will occur
Sergeant at arms: Konrad Kempfe collected happy
fines from: Sheri Hoffman (Wes accepting award and her Dad’s prognosis); John
Fischer (Valentine’s Day, positive Golf Tournament Comm. Meeting and new grand
prize); Chad Cohrs (pretty snow with no snow delay and Happy Valentine’s Day to
his wife – a greeting every Rotarian shares with his/her partner); Dave Lawer
(Brian Kelly and the Golf meeting); Mike Piecuch (Midd West compliment); Wes
Knapp (pleased emergency plan worked and with the DA’s response); John Thompson
(ham radio course 3/9); Hal Dunkelberger (candy from Donna and Heart Assoc.
Month); and Nelson Bailey (driver picking him up).
Feb. 28 – Gary Grossman, Publisher of The Daily Item will
be the speaker. Tom Gates is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Mar. 7 – TBA, John Stokinger is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Mar. 14 – Jeff Schaum will give his vocational/classification talk,
Sheri Hoffman host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Mar. 21 – TBA, Don Summers is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Mar. 15 – Mary
Peterhaensel; 24 – Dave Lawer; 26 – Bill Clark; 31 – Ken Miller.
“Love is such a funny thing; It’s very like a lizard; It twines itself round
the heart and penetrates your gizzard.”Anonymous