Selinsgrove Rotary
Peace through Service
Vol. 86, No. 35
President – Donna Schuck Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: March 21,
2013 – Jeff Schaum will present his vocational/classification talk. Sheri
Hoffman is the host. Daffodil Day items will be distributed, come prepared to
pay for ordered items. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
14, 2013: Fifteen Rotarians were present to hear Mary
Mahoney-Ferster, Past President of the Lewisburg Sunset Club and a Youth
Development Educator with the Penn State Extension in Union County, speak about
the “PA One Book” early literacy program. The goal of this program is to
provide every child 5 and under with a book every year. Started in Washington
State and now found in 48 of the states, the program began in Penna. 8 years
ago. Unfortunately is is not funded by the state and private funds are sought
to continue the program. When the funding ended, Mary approached the GSVUW and
they now help keep the program going. Given Rotary’s interest in literacy, some
have adopted this as a regional initiative. Currently Guest Readers are sought
for the Month of the Young Child (April) to read “The Bus for Us” and give each
child present a copy of the book. Persons interested should talk with Karen Ulp
at the United Way or to Mary. Don Summers was the host for this interesting
program. Joyce Anderson did a wonderful job presiding.
Announcements: District
Conference is scheduled for 4/26-28 in Gettysburg.*If you have a group or
individual you wish to nominated for the Club’s Distinguished Service Award,
please be in contact with Art Bowen within the next week. This year’s event is
scheduled for 6 p.m. on 4/18**Art Bowen has potential speakers if hosts need
assistance in identifying a speaker.
News from Rotary: Konrad Kempfe reported on the
development and building of a medical center to serve 2 million people in the
Amazon region of Peru and scheduled to be completed this year. Retired
cardiologist and Rotarian from Illinois C. Luis Vasquez is funding20% of the 3 million project, with 80% coming
from Rotarians in Peru and Illinois.
Sergeant at arms: Marv
Rudnitsky collected happy fines from: Mary Peterhaensel on her 70th
birthday, plus Mary added money for seeing a robin; himself (thanking Konrad
for filling in when he is absent); John Fischer (Florida trip and leaving
meeting early); Bob Soper (Dave Lawer and Bucknell win); Hal Dunkelberger
(spring is coming); Nelson Bailey (son’s lecture tour); John Thompson (a new
ham); Don Summers (speaker and seeing robins); Joyce Anderson (speaker and
robin in her back yard); Bill Clark (robin instead of Blizzard of ’93); Mary
Mahoney-Ferster (being at Selinsgrove Club where her father was a member years
ago); and Earl Ferster (plus 15 and happy spring).
Mar. 28 – Dr. Richard Sheaffer will speak about the Boy Scouts,
Earl Ferster is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
April 4 – John Thompson will speak about “Amateur Radio Contesting
for Non-Hams.” SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
April 11 – TBA, Wes Knapp is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
April 18 – 6 p.m. Distinguished Service Award Event and Dinner,
SVCC. Art Bowen is the host.Signup
sheet will be circulated.
Birthdays: Mar. 24 – Dave Lawer; 26 –
Bill Clark; 31 – Ken Miller. Apr. 6 – Brian Neitz; 7 – Bob Soper, Ken Wagner;
28 – Bob Fogle.
“Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you
nothing. It was here first.”Mark Twain