Selinsgrove Rotary
Engage Rotary- Change Lives
Vol. 86, No. 50 PastPresident – Donna Schuck
New President – Wesley Knapp Editor – Dottie Anderson
No Meeting July
4, 2013 – Happy Fourth of July
Next Meeting:
July 11, 2013 – Speaker will be Morgan Evans, our recently returned from Brazil
Rotary Exchange Student. Her family will also be in attendance. Donna Schuck is
the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
June 27, 2013: Thirty-two Rotarians and a
guest (Donna’s husband, Rick) were present for the installation of the 2013-14
Officers and Directors. Dottie Anderson installed Wes Knapp as President, Chad
Cohrs as President Elect (in absentia), Dave Lawer as Vice President, Donna
Schuck as Past President, Hal Dunkelberger as Secretary, Jared Roush as
Treasurer and the Directors of Avenues of Service – Art Bowen, Club; Konrad
Kempfe, International; Melissa Laniewski and John Stokinger – Community, Toby
Skinner – Vocational and Mike Flock – New Generations. Donna reflected on her
year as President, noting the theme of “change” that existed throughout. Wes
Knapp presented the past president pin to Donna, highlighted the need to add
new members, especially younger members, and spoke about the possibility of his
wife becoming a new member. He asked for member patience and indulgence. The
theme for 2013-14 is Engage Rotary – Change Lives. Marv Rudnitsky will continue
as Sergeant at arms, Dottie Anderson will continue as newsletter editor.
Announcements: Rotary Hot Dog Night at the Gazebo is July 9 – food prep volunteers
should show up at 7, rest at 7:30 to distribute food. Thanks to Rick Schuck for
supplying and cooking the hotdogs.*Movie Night at the Rotary field is cancelled
because of the bad weather forecast.**Art Bowen is preparing the list of who is
host for what programs.***DG’s visit is schedule for 8/22, all are urged to be
present. A Board meeting will probably occur before or after the regular
Good News of
Rotary: Konrad shared information about Wendy Mardus of the Providence,
RI Club who started a campaign to reduce litter and persuaded 100 Rotarian to
pick up trash – now an annual event which culminates on Earth Day.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: from
himself (Sally, our waitress, shared a certificate that her father received
when he spoke do Rotary during Marv’s term as President); John Stokinger (Donn’s
year, Wes showing up); John Fischer (Long Island vacation with entire family,
now on his own for 5 days); Donna Schuck (Rick and Wes); Charlie McCuen
(Econ.Pa golf tournament); Konrad Kempfe (USA men’s soccer wins); John Thompson
(successful field day, away next two weeks); Joyce Anderson (Donna, Wes, Marv);
Mike Piecuch; Toby Skinner (wild goat now penned); Donna Long (Donna’s year,
Portugal consulate experience); Art Bowen (Myrtle Beach, Donna, Wes, Rick);
Bill Clark (new officers and Toby’s goat); Sheri Hoffman (Donna, Wes, Golf
Tournament); Dave Lawer (Donna and Lehigh player); Bob Soper (Dave’s Lehigh
reminder); Jeff Schaum; Jerry Rhoades (Cape Cod visit); Wes Knapp (Donna’s year
and 10 days of work at NY property); and Earl Ferster (+15, Donna, Wes, leaving
Future Programs:
July 18 – Jared
Roush is host, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
July 25 – TBA,
SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
August 1 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Newsletter Editor needed
August 8 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m
Birthdays: July 6 – Joyce Anderson, 19 – Hal Dunkelberger, Jared
Roush. Aug. 14 – Kendra Aucker, 15 – Earl Ferster, Konrad Kempfe, 29- Jay
Quotation: “If you
can’t make it good, at least make it look good.” Bill Gates