August 1, 2013

Rotary Club

Engage Rotary- Change Lives

87, No. 4         

President – Wesley Knapp                Editor – Jared Roush

Next Meeting:
August 8, 2013 – Speaker will be Paul
Williams, Selinsgrove Borough Manager.

Dottie Anderson is
the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


August 1, 2013: Twenty-three Rotarians were present as Keri Albright of United Way
spoke. Keri just celebrated 10 years with the United Way. She stressed that the
United Way is focused on “Priorities for Impact” specific to our valley. The
six key issues are Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention, Povertyi, Public
Transportation, At Risk Teen, Early Childhood Education, and Diversity. They
are focusing more on fixing issues, not just necessarily fundraising and
handing out money. Keri also visited the topic of diversity and where our
United Way board stands on some current issues. The United Way believes that
everyone within a community is deserving of their funding. The United Way
welcomes all people and embraces diversity and working together.


Good News of
Konrad Kempfe shared information of the Rotaray clubs in Chico,
CA and Moshi Tanzania. These 2 clubs cooperated on several projects since 2008
such as planting trees, sanitation and clean water for schools.

Sergeant at arms: Konrad Kempfe collected
happy fines as follows: John Stokinger (1st birthday party for
grandson); Pat Pinkowski (family reunion); Donna Schuck (thankyou to everyone for the cards and visits
these past several weeks); Melissa Laniewski (leaving early); Gaston Carroll
(beautiful weather, US Soccer Gold Cub); Mary Peterhaensel (Whippet adoption);
Tob Gates (visit with his twin grandchildren, seeing an eagle and hummingbird);
Bob Soper (thankful for his 2 daughters visiting); Mike Flock (speaker and for
his kids visiting); Dave Lawer (55 attendees at last week’s movie night,
speaker, missing next week); Art Bowen (family reunion with 72% attendance and
trip to the beach); Bill Clark (speaker); Brian Neitz (speaker); Wes Knapp
(speaker and Hawaii trip); Mike Piecuch (New England trip and Summer Seals
Carwash); John Fischer (Golf Tournament, Bob Soper’s wonderful Rotary archiving
book, Art Bowen taking the lead on mailings); Donna Long (grateful for her
sister returning from Portugal and the possibility her niece was married);
Charlie McCuen (daughter made it safely to San Jose Costa Rica to be a student
at the UN School of Peace); Michael Damiano (vacation, he and his daughter’s
mission trip to El Salvador next week); Konrad Kempfe (soccer); and Earl
Ferster ($15 plus goal).


Future Programs:  

August 15 – Speaker will be Rotarian Justin Charles on the
Haiti Hospital Solar Project, Art Bowen in the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

August 22 – District Governor Sharon Benner’s official Club
Visit, (preceded by a Board Meeting at 10:45 a.m.) SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

August 29 – TBA for program and host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.


Birthdays: Aug. 14 – Kendra Aucker, 15 – Earl Ferster, Konrad Kempfe,
29- Jay Lemons.


Quotation: “Few things
can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him, and to let him
know that you trust him.” Booker T.
Washington (1856-1915)