August 22, 2013

Selinsgrove Rotary

Engage Rotary- Change Lives

87, No. 7         

President – Wesley Knapp                Editor – Jared Roush

Next Meeting:
August 29, 2013 – Cory Iannacone will speak
on HR 101: George Constanza and Employment Law ADA to Z. Art Bowen is the host.
11:45 a.m. SVCC.


August 15, 2013: Twenty-four Rotarians and one guest,
Bill Bucher of Selinsgrove (guest of Dave Lawer), were present. District
Governor Sharon Benner along with her husband, PDG Harold L. Benner and
Assistant DG, Sherri Shabelsky (of Shamokin Rotary Club) were present. Asst. DG
Shabelsky introduced DG Benner and made us aware of some interesting facts
about DG Benner, like her 20 years of perfect attendance, serving as president
of her own club three times, and hosting 11 Rotary Exchange Students. DG Benner
addressed the club, sharing what it means to her to be a Rotarian – it is one
of the best decisions she has ever made, it allows her to do good around the
world and locally, changing people’s lives – she can do all of this through
Rotary. She made us aware of the new “Project Equador” program of providing
clean drinking water and sanitation in parts of Equador.Anyone wishing to donate to this project may
do so directly.She also made us aware
of the new “Help the Children Hear” program that will provide hearing aids to
children in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. We may collect used hearing aids
and forward them to a woman in State College who is running the program. DG
Benner also reminded us of the effort to eradicate Polio in all parts of the
world. She told us of the new Rotary e-club forming (that we can also use as “make-ups”).
Some goal dos the DG include increasing the number of clubs currently in the
district from 77 to 79 and increasing a total membership to 3,000, which means
adding about 300+ new members. She is also promoting increasing our membership
and told us to “Get our ASK in gear” by asking our friends and coworkers to
attend meeting and join our club.Upcoming dates for us to keep in mind are the Nov. 16th
Rotary Foundation Banquet and April 24-26th Rotary Conference.
Market St.

Announcements: Dave Lawer reminded us of the movie in the park tonight and the
upcoming Snyder Ct. Night out program is scheduled for 6 to 8 p.m., 8/27 at
East Snyder Park. **Tom Gates reminded us of the Golf Tournament, a scramble
format, scheduled for 9/9.

Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe shared information about the good work of
Rotary in Santa Maria de Jesus, Guatemala. Jorge Aufranc past governor and
member of the RC helped a school of girls with a RF Global Grant: computers and
a “mechanical cow” which produces soymilk. Soy beans are put into a funnel and
45 minutes later you have soymilk and a pulp of okara which they use for
cooking in the school.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: Chad Cohrs that school
started and compliments Wes with getting his school’s construction completed.
Wes Knapp that this has been the “smoothest” start to a school year that he has
had in his career. Bob Soper on behalf of the D.G. visiting. Toby Skinner for
her wonderful and fun trip to Africa. Mary Peterhaensel for missing last week and
that she visited her 3 grandchildren in Maryland. Konrad Kempfe on behalf of
the D.G. visiting. Donna Schuck on behalf of the Asst. D.G and D.G. visiting.
Nelson Bailey letting us know the “eagle has landed” and looking forward to a
joyous visit with his Mother in Law. Jerry Rhoads that he has to step out
early. Dave Lawer on behalf of the D. G. visiting and Nelson’s mother in law
spending time with him John Stokinger on behalf of the D.G. visiting and in
honor of his 39th wedding anniversary. Joyce Anderson on behalf of
the D.G. visiting and her recent trip to NYC to see the broadway show “Chicago.”
Bill Clark in honor of his upcoming 55th wedding anniversary and the
trip to Knoebel’s with his grandchildren. Tom Gates that he is proud of his
wife for starting the book club at the Snyder County Women’s Prison. Art Bowen
on behalf of the D.G. visiting and his golfing with Tom Gates. Hal Dunkelberger
on behalf of the D.G. visiting and that we met our $15.00 happy fine goal.


Future Programs:  

Sept. 5 – Mike Piecuch
will speak about ethe Snyder County Coalition for Kids, Mike Flock is the host.
SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Sept. 12 – TBA, Bill Clark is the host. Newsletter Editor
needed, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Sept. 19 – TBA, Chad Cohrs is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays: Aug. 29- Jay Lemons. Sept. 3 – Tom Gates, 4 – John
Fischer, 6 – Melissa Laniewski, 23 – Don Summers.

Quotation: “A pessimist
is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities, and an optimist is one who
makes opportunities of his difficulties.” Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) 33rd
President of the USA