Nov. 21, 2013

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Engage Rotary-Change Lives

Vol. 86, No.

President – Donna SchuckEditor – Dottie Anderson


November 28:
Happy Thanksgiving! No meeting today.


Next Meeting:
Dec. 5, 2013 – Host Dave Lawer will introduce Dalton “Buzz” Savidge, retired PP
& L Executive, who will speak about electricity market purchasing for residential
and commercial properties, deregulation, pricing and a personal strategy.
Please bring along a copy of your PP & L bill to make the program
especially useful. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Nov. 21, 2013: Twenty-
seven Rotarians and the speaker were present as President Elect, Dave Lawer,
convened the Annual Meeting and conducted the election of 2014-15 Officers and
Directors. On behalf of the Nominating Committee, Dottie Anderson presented the
slate: Dave Lawer, President; Donna Schuck, Past President; Mike Piecuch,
President Elect; Gaston Carroll, Vice President; Jared Roush, Treasurer; Hal
Dunkelberger, Secretary. Directors are: New Generations, Mike Flock;
Vocational, Toby Skinner; Club Service, Art Bowen; Community Service, Sheri
Hoffman and Melissa Laniewski; International Service, Konrad Kempfe. There being
no nominations from the floor on the second call, the slate as presented was
elected. Host Melissa Laniewski introduced speaker Dave Kelliher, owner of
Roberts Communications Market Research and Dave Roberts Voiceover who gave
spoke about “Customer Centric – Again.” Dr. Kelliher spoke about developments
in Marketing, the four P’s (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) and the 4 C’s
(Customer, Cost, Connection, Communication) and present examples of some
remarkable failures to pay attention to the rule “one Voice, one look” in
Marketing. Announcements: John
Thompson is organizing for the Salvation Army Bell Ringing and circulating a
signup sheet.**Remember the Holiday Dinner is Dec. 12, let Art Bowen know asap
of your plans so he can confirm a number to the Club.***Tree Fest starts with
an opening reception from 7 to 10 p.m. on Dec. 3 and concludes on Dec. 20. It
will be open and available to visit during regular library hours. Do plan to
stop by and support the Friends of the Library fund raiser.****Two weeks from
today Joyce Anderson will begin collecting money or presents for our Christmas
Family.***** Dave Lawer circulated First Responders sheet.******Ken Miller
noted leaves have been removed from Rotary Field – give Ken or Jared donation
toward gift certificate for Randy Hawk.Good News of Rotary: In Konrad’s
absence, the good news was John Fischer’s report on the Rotary Foundation
Dinner. Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines from:
Gaston Carrol (happy birthday – yesterday, and birth of son on Halloween and we
need to add the date to the calendar); himself (Chorale Concert in Dec.); Ken
Miller (Dawn back from trip); Jerry Rhoades (almost done with face cream); John
Fischer (RI Foundation dinner, Bob Soper, Don Summers); Mike Piecuch (Treatment
Court Conference, Coalition for Kids); Bob Soper (enjoy RI Foundation dinner
thanks to John); Melissa Laniewski (speaker); Nelson Bailey (football and
mother in law); Dottie Anderson (soon done and Marv for taking on Borough
Council); and Earl Ferster (+15 and Ken Miller’s attention to Rotary Field).

Future Programs:

Dec. 12 – Holiday Dinner and Party. Partners and guests
welcome. A signup sheet circulating. SVCC, 6:15 p.m.

Dec. 19 – TBA, Charlie McCuen is the host. SVCC, 11:45

Dec. 26 – No Meeting. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Jan. 2 – TBA, Mary Peterhaensel is the host. SVCC, 11:45


Birthdays: Dec. 8 – Charlie McCuen; 10 – Marv Rudnitsky;
15 – Nelson Bailey; 17 – Sheri Hoffman; 30 – Dottie Anderson.


“A thankful heart is the parent of all virtue.” Cicero