Jan. 23, 2014

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Engage Rotary-Change Lives

Vol. 86, No.

President – Donna SchuckEditor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: Jan 30, 2014 – Rural/Urban Night
dinner. CCUMC, Fisher and Park Roads, 6 p.m. Speaker is Kathy Weller of the 4H
Club. Partners, friends welcome for this special evening event.

Important notice: The club is seeking nominations for
the “Distinguished Service Award.” E-mail nominations to Art Bowen at Art@BowenAgency.com.


Jan. 23, 2014:
Twenty-nine Rotarians and guests (Rocky Baer – Mike Flock’s guest; and Michael
Hayes – Dottie Anderson’s guest) were present as John Reed, host, introduced
John Getz of the Getz Barrel Company of Beavertown. The company, started by his
father and uncle, specializes in the manufacture of 17th and 18th
century gun barrels. They have customers from around the world, and participate
in many 17th and 18th century artisan shows – they are
the prime sponsor of the 18th Century Artisan Show to be held Jan.
31 and Feb. 1 at the Country Cupboard in Lewisburg which typically draws about
2000 people. Many of the barrels are produced for movie props. Mr. Getz pointed
out three “sayings” still in use that grew out of using these weapons – “lock,
stock and barrel; going off halfcocked; and flash in the pan.”This was an entertaining and interesting
Announcements: Art Bowen announced that Joyce
Anderson has agree to chair the membership committee. Joyce in turn announced
that we will have installation of new members on Feb. 13 and that she has new
membership forms to distribute.*Marv Rudnitsky is working with Jay Lemons and
Phil Winger to identify someone at the University to develop and advise a
Rotaract Club.Good News of Rotary:
Konrad Kempfe shared a “golden Rotary moment” about a literacy project in
Istanbul, Turkey. Ermine’s very touching and inspiring story can be found in
Rotary Voices blog 1/22/14.
 Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines
as follows: Happy Birthday to Mike Flock and Wes Knapp; John Thompson (article
being selected for ham radio magazine); Art Bowen (Joyce, reptile land
experience with grandkids and more than the editor has room to print); Bill Clark
(Dave Lawer blowing snow); Pat Pinkowski (grandson and wrestling); Joh
Stokinger (Appalachian Trail hike); John Reed (here, speaker, grandson’s
success); Donna Schuck (speaker, guests, using garage to park car); Konrad
Kempfe (superbowl opera performance); Michael Hayes (happy to be here and
thanks to all for SSDC support); Joh Fischer (Hawaii and SanFran visit and
speaker from the west end); Mike Flock (squirrel dish, Rocky); and Earl Ferster
(happy someone else has discovered good squirrel potpie and +15).

Future Programs:

Feb. 6 – TBA – Jared Roush is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Feb. 13 – Speaker will be Debbie Wolf from Snyder County
Recycling. Installation of new members will occur. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Feb. 20 – Program on the Salvation Army. John Thompson is
the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Feb. 27 – Club Assembly – Donna Schuck is the host. SVCC,
11:45 a.m.


Birthdays: Feb. 3 – Toby Skinner.


Quotation: “Nothing astonishes men so much as
common sense and plain dealing.” Ralph
Waldo Emerson