Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club Engage Rotary-Change Lives Vol. 86, No. 39 President – Donna Schuck Editor – Dottie Anderson Next Meeting: May 1, 2014 – Speaker will be Charles Schlegel of NNB Financial Services, LLC, introduced by Jared Roush. Dottie Anderson is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
April 24, 2014: Twenty-nine Rotarians and guests were present as Shawn Felty of Sire Advertising demonstrated how to make the best use of the Club’s website and how to log in and obtain a password. Art Bowen was the host. Discussion ensued: web site address is, going on to the website you will have access to the newsletter, calendar and all public spaces; go to the members section to sign in to the non-public spaces that would allow you to update your personal information. If you are signing in for the first time, you set your own user name and password. An e-mail will be sent to Donna and she will authorize that you are a member entitled to sign in to the member information. John Terefenko and a 12 years ago exchange student from Austria, Judith Plumstead were present. Judith has earned both a BA and a graduate degree and has a professional position in which she travels extensively. She wanted to make sure we all knew how the exchange program had changed and added to her life and to say thank you to Joyce Anderson who served as her counselor during the exchange program. A Board Meeting followed. Announcements: Distinguished Service Award event will occur in June.*See John Thompson or Art Bowen if you are in need of a program for a week you are the host.**Thank you letters have been received from Shelter Box and Wheelchair Foundation.***Please complete and return to Dave Lawer the distributed survey.****Chicken Barbeque is June 7 (Gaston chairing) at the same time as the Little League Tournament.*****Groups using the Rotary Field are asked to make a voluntary donation to the Club to help with upkeep of the field and its facilities.
Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe shared information about a Durham, NC Club video conference project with a school in India designed to have a special impact on literacy.
Sergeant of Arms: John Stokinger collected happy fines as follows: Happy Birthday Bob Fogle; Gaston Carroll (Family Give Program and seaker); Art Bowen (speaker, guests and Easter Week with in laws and terrific grandson); Donna Schuck (speaker, guest, Master’s Tournament adventure); Chad Cohrs (doors not going to be padlocked); Mike Flock (Family Give Project, 40 years in banking acknowledgement); Dave Lawer (speakers and guests); Joyce Anderson (happy to see both John and Judith); Mary Peterhaensel (late); Toby Skinner (article about Nelson’s son’s achievements); Melissa Laniewski (back, Easter Weekend, other sided of Johnathan Bailey and his brother); John Thompson (singing, security at Arts Festival); John Reed (Nelson and his son’s accomplishments, guests and international travel); Konrad Kempfe (Exchange Student); Shawn Felty (here today and son’s athletic participation); and John Stokinger (guests).
Future Programs: May 8 – Dr. Jennifer Rager, Otolaryngologist, will speak about allergies. Nelson Bailey, host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. May 15 – Kendra Aucker, Chair of the SACF Scholarship Comm., will introduce the winners of the Rotary/SACF scholarships for this year. Bill Clark is the host. Newsletter Editor needed. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. May 22 – Chad Cohrs will be both speaker and host, along with Jeff Hummel, Business Mgr) on School Financing. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. May 29 – TBA, Michael Damiano is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: May 15 – John Stokinger.
Quotation: “Life begins when a person first realizes how soon it will end.” Columnist Marcelene Cox |