Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Engage Rotary-Change Lives
Vol. 86, No. 45 President – Donna Schuck Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: June 12, 2014 – TBA. Earl Ferster is the choice. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
June 5, 2014: Almost 30 Rotarians were present as Tara Michaels, Executive Director of the Aphasia Center in Danville was the speaker. Hal Dunkelberger was the host. Started by a licensed speech-language pathologist, Robin Petrus, the private membership program is designed to provide opportunities for those affected by aphasia following stroke, to reengage with the world. This quality of life improvement program is privately funded with participants paying a minimal membership fee. Volunteers, such as speech graduate students from Bloomsburg, singer Wood Wolf, and others, work with members. Housed at St Cyril’s in Danville, the program currently serves 8-10 persons and Tara, the ED, is anxious to spread the word of the program which is very helpful to those with aphasia and whose insurance for speech therapy has run out.
Announcements:Saturday is this year’s major fund raiser – the Chicken Barbeque and Little League Tournament (starting at 10 a.m.). Ticket sales by Rotarians will pay all expenses, with on sight sales raising additional money. The Concession Stand will also be open and Dave Lawer announced that all the food for the stand has been donated. 50/50 raffle will also take place. So, remember the times you are to work and know that additional help is needed for clean up at the end of the event at Rotary Field. *Distinguished Service Award event is June 19, and we will be honoring Paul Heintzelman and Richard Sheaffer for their work with the Boy Scouts. Partners, spouses, guests invited to be present for this annual event – call or e-mail Art Bowen asap to sign up.**Mike Piecuch announced that Rotary Field Movie Night June 12 and continue every other week through 8/14 (or 8/28 if rain date needed). Flyers are available – first movie is “Fantastic Mr. Fox”
Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe reported on the work of three Rotarians across the country who have done work to raise funds and participate in the Shelter Box program.
Sergeant of Arms: John Stokinger collected happy fines as follows: from Bill Clark
for missed Birthday; himself (weekend camping trip and bear cub); Art Bowen (grandkids and graduates); Chad Cohrs (school over, graduation, fishing, son got a job); Bob Soper (poster’s out); John Thompson (walk for life); Joyce Anderson (speaker and expensive week with grandkids); Hal Dunkelberger (speaker); Dave Lawer (Bob and Gaston distributing posters, garand kid successes, Bill Clark, Dottie back); Gaston Carroll (thanks for all the Barbeque support); Jerry Roades (granddaughter graduates and on to Eckhert); Mike Flock (leaving early); Mike Piecuch (good events for coalition, D-day); Mary Peterhaensel (grandson); Rocky Baer (missing meeting); Charlie McCuen (scholarship and motorcycle run); and Earl Ferster (+15, speaker).
Future Programs:
June 19 – Distinguished Service Award event and dinner – 6 p.m. SVCC – guests and spouses welcome
June 26 – Installation of 2014-15 Officers and Directors. 11:45 a.m., SVCC
July 3 – TBA – Sub Editor will be needed. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
July 10 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: June 24 – Pat Pinkowski
Quotation:“Each of us really understands in others only those feelings he is capable of producing himself.” Andre Gide