June 12, 2014

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Engage Rotary-Change Lives

Vol. 86, No. 46     President – Donna Schuck   Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: June 19, 2014 – Distinguished Service Award Dinner honoring Paul Heintzelman and Richard Sheaffer for their service to the Boy Scouts. Guests and partners welcome. SVCC Banquet Room, 6 p.m. Call Art Bowen immediately if you have missed signing up.

June 12, 2014:  Approximately 25 Rotarians were present as host Earl Ferster introduced himself and spoke about his work with the Gideons. Earl was born in Richfield, PA and moved to Selinsgrove in 1957. He became a member of Rotary in 1980 and was with State Farm Insurance for 44 years. The Gideons, know as the Bible Men, was started in 1898 by two traveling salesmen. Today Gideons operate in 197 countries and provide Bibles in 85 languages. The dues of the approximately 185,000 Gideons, provides all of the operating expenses, with any donations used to print and distribute Bibles from their headquarters in Nashville. Earl shared a number of stories that he uses in talks he gives at various churches.

Announcements: Dave Lawer reported on the known results of the Chicken Barbeque and Little League Tournament. While on site sales weren’t has high as was hoped, the remaining chicken halves were distributed in several locations providing food to many in need. Thanks are extended to all who helped and especially to Gaston Carroll.*Mike Piecuch announced that Rotary Field Movie Night which was to begin tonight, is cancelled because of the expected storm.**Melissa Laniewski announced that that plans are set for Gazepo Night , 6/22, but additional volunteers to distribute hotdogs and chips and water is needed.k

Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe reported on the work of an Alumni Association in India and Rotarian Maya Ajmerra in founding the Global Fund for Children. Since being founded in 1993 the GFC has awarded more than $32 million in grants to over 600 organization in 80 countries. Maya and the GFC have received the International Rotary Humanitarian Award.

Sergeant of Arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: himself (50th Alumni Reunion from Penn State, Gaston, Dave and crew for good work); Dave Lawer (Gaston and Dave’s daughter receiving her PhD); Melissa Laniewski (everyone liked the chicken, and hotdog night); Pat Pinkowski (Dave and Gaston, 47th wedding anniversary); Bob Soper (Hill School reunion); Bill Clark (looking for active new members); Tom Gates (leadership); Mike Flock (Jared’s promotion at the bank to Asst. VP); John Thompson (field day at the airport 6/28); Charlie McCuen (successful poke run); Konrad Kempfe (Gaston and Dave); Nelson Bailey (move to Richmond for Olga’s fellowship and cataract surgery); and Earl Ferster (+15 and Club Leadership).

Future Programs:
June 26 – Installation of 2014-15 Officers and Directors. 11:45 a.m., SVCC. Preceded by an 11 a.m. meeting for the 14-15 Officers and Directors.
July 3 – TBA – Sub Editor needed. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
July 10 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
July 17 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays:  June 24 – Pat Pinkowsk, July 6 – Joyce Anderson, 19 – Hal Dunkelberger, Jared Roush.

Quotation:  “If we cannot end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.”   John F. Kennedy