Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Light Up Rotary
Vol. 87, No. 13 President – Dave Lawer Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: October 2, 2014 – Club Assembly – Topic: all you need to know to get on DaCdb and use it and Club web-site changes. Gaston Carroll is presenting. Tom Gates is the greeter. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.
September 25, 2014: Twenty-nine Rotarians and guests were present for District Governor Jason Piatt’s Official Club visit. President Dave started the meeting with a moment of silence in memory of Don Summers, past President who was instrumental in establishing the Selinsgrove Area Community Foundation. Sympathy is extended to Don Summers, Jr. and the rest of the family. A Board Meeting with the DG preceded the regular meeting. New members (Ryan Felty, CFO of Economics Pennsylvania, classification non-profit education, John Fischer is his sponsor and David Betz of Janney, Montgomery, Scott LLC; Classification – Investment Broker; Sponsor is Bill Clark) were inducted by the DG. The DG was introduced by Assistant DG, Sherri Shebelsky. Ken Miller introduced his guest, Brian Betz. DG Piatt described his “Rotary moments” – that is, those times when a member of a Rotary Club “becomes” a Rotarian. He is asking that all members consider and reflect on their personal Rotary moments. He brought greetings from RI President Gary Huang and presented the Club with the 14-15 theme banner and new Rotary logo plague. This Bucknell engineering graduate from the Waynesboro Club, at 39 is the youngest DG in RI this year. All are urged to attend District 7360 2015 Conference in Camp Hill 5/1-3/15.
Announcements: John Stokinger reminds all to remember the times for working at the Rotary Table at the Market Street Festival Saturday, Sept. 27. Additional help could still be used at 6:30 a.m., at the Field to pick up tables and get Market Street area set up and for tear down at the end of the day. Tonight is the evening to prepare for the Ham BBQ at St. Paul’s UCC on Market Street at 6 p.m. On Saturday we will be joined but members of the new Interact Club.* Mike Flock reported on the training session held yesterday on the update of the website software attended by himself, Gaston, Dottie and John Thompson. The new site when “live” yesterday afternoon.
Good News of Rotary International: Konrad Kempfe reported on a program from Carlsbad, Calif. And the Rotary Club of San Diego. The Club awarded a grant that allowed for the filming of a documentary called The Invisible Threat which examined the debate over vaccine safety. It concluded that vaccines are safe, effective and important to public health.
Sargent at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy dollars as follows (to the best of the editors’ ability to hear what was said): himself (guests, Don Summers and John Fischer); Joyce Anderson (visitors, new members, granddaughter); John Stokinger (DG, Grand Canyon week); Bob Soper (John and Don and SAYF); Bill Clark (new member); Konrad Kempfe (guests); Ken Miller (his guest); Charlie McCuen (Don); Pat Pinkowski; John Fischer (Don, guests, new members); Dave Lawer (guests, new members, all who have turned up donations for Sat.); and Art Bowen (guests and DG for his 54 visits to date).
Future Programs
Oct. 9 – Paul Williams, Selinsgrove Borough Manager, Earl Ferster is the host, Earl Ferster is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Oct. 16 – TBA, John Fischer is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Oct. 23 – The Thyra M. Humphreys Center for Breast Health Medical Director, Dr. John Turner and Director Andrea Bertram, will speak about developments in the treatment of breast cancer. Donna Schuck is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Oct. 30 – TBA, Charlie McCuen is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Oct. 4 – Chad Cohrs; 22 – John Reed
Quotation: “Grant that we may not so much seek to be understood as to understand.” St. Francis of Assisi