October 16, 2014

                                Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Light Up Rotary

Vol. 87, No. 15                   President – Dave Lawer                              Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: October 16, 2014 – Speaker will be Bob Garrett, Chamber President. He will provide an update on the Chamber and the Thruway project. John Fischer is the host. Wes Knapp is the Greeter. Nominating Committee will report. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

October 9, 2014: Twenty-two Rotarians and guests (including John Fischer’s guest Jay Broc, from Harrisburg) were present as Jessie Runkle, Deputy Zoning Officer as well as Recreation Coordinator for the Borough of Selinsgrove spoke on “Keys to Starting a Successful Business in Selinsgrove,” a power point about the process and regulations related to starting a new business in town. Portions of the presentation will eventually appear on the borough web site. Paul Williams, Borough Manager, was also present and he and Jessie responded to questions following the presentation. Jessie is a graduate of the Selinsgrove Area High School and West Virginia University, currently working on an M.S. degree. This was a lively program with several members expressing interest in the topics. Earl Ferster was the host. Konrad Kempfe was the greeter.

Announcements: It is time to select a book for this year’s Tree Fest of Children’s Books – tell the Editor or Pat Pinkowski if you have a favorite book you’d like us to consider.*The Dictionary Project will take place for third graders on Nov. 14, chaired by Don Summers.**President Dave appointed a nominating committee Chaired by Donna Schuck. They will report by the 16th of October. The Annual Meeting and Election of Officers will take place on Nov. 13.***Halloween parade is 10/21 and members will distribute candy (provided by Chris Kenawell) at the start of the parade to participants. Melissa Laniewski, Toby Skinner, and Earl Ferster have volunteered – a few additional volunteers would be appreciated.****Speak with Dave Lawer if you are interested in attending the 10/25 grant training for the district.*****Hal Dunkelberger donated a new 4 Way Test Flag to the Club. Our old one can be given to the new Shamokin Dam Club.

Good News of Rotary International: Konrad Kempfe reported on good news from The Rotary Club of Oslo and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Club organized a program for young people between 20 and 30 years of age with Peace Scholars from the USA. All had an opportunity to interact and learn how dialogue can be used in conflict and post-conflict areas, bridging ethnic, religious, cultural and national differences.

Proposed New Member: Brian Betz, Classification Business/Wholesale. Sponsor is Ken Miller. Any objections should be sent to President Dave Lawer within 7 days of this notice.

Sargent at Arms: John Stokinger collected happy dollars from: Chad Cohrs (Happy Birthday); himself (finding ecord of his polio shot from back in the early 60’s); John Fischer (5th wedding anniversary, his guest); Bill Clark (Hal for the flag donation); Melissa Laniewski (for Jessie, speaker and daughter’s friend); Dave Lawer (Guests, Hal, and parade volunteers); Konrad Kempfe (speaker); Charlie McCuen (Friends of the Library yard sale); Bob Sooer (speakers and rotary Field work, terrific family gathering in Pittsburgh); Joyce Anderson (Hal and guests); Toby Skinner (Hal for flag and Bob Soper for weeding); Paul Williams (happy to be here and for Jess’s presentation and warm welcome extended to town by Rotarians); and Earl Ferster (+15, guests and wife’s progress).

Future Programs

Oct. 23 – The Thyra M. Humphreys Center for Breast Health Medical Director, Dr. John Turner and Director Andrea Bertram, will speak about developments in the treatment of breast cancer. Donna Schuck is the host. Melissa Laniewski is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 30 – TBA, Charlie McCuen is both the host and the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Nov. 6 – TBA, Michael Damiano is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Nov. 13 – Veterans Day Program, Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and Directors. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays: Oct. 22 – John Reed. Nov. 6 – Donna Schuck; 15 – Art Bowen.

Quotation: “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.”    Mark Twain