Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Light Up Rotary
Vol. 87, No. 18 President – Dave Lawer Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: November 6, 2014 – Speaker will be James Marker, Special Assistant to the Secretary, Department of Public Welfare, Harrisburg. Topic: Assisting businesses in finding good employees that happen to have some sort of disability. Art Bowen in the host. Second call for Nominations from the floor. 11:45 a.m., SVCC. Board Meeting at 11:00 a.m.
October 30, 2014: Thirty-three Rotarians were at the meeting featuring artist and portrait painter Jeff Martin. Charlie McCuen was the host. Jeff shared some interesting stories about his work and what it’s like to “make a living” as a portrait painter, and the need to have ways to have a regular income to count on. He has painted noted persons on commission and those “special characters” he has come to know and care about living in the Valley. He and his wife have three children and are both Susquehanna graduates. He is currently teaching a full course load of film studies courses in addition to his art. Donna Schuck reported for the Nominating Committee (herself, Pat Pinkowski and John Stokinger) on the slate for 2014-15. Mike Piecuch, President; Mary Peterhaensel, President Elect; Ryan Felty, Vice President; Hal Dunkelberger, Secretary; Jared Roush, Treasurer; Art Bowen, Club Service; John Stokinger/Melissa Lanewski, Co-Directors for Community Service; Toby Skinner, Vocational Service; Art Bowen, Club Service; Marv Rudnitksy, New Generations; TBA – International Service. Ken Miller will continue as President of Selinsgrove Recreation, Marv Rudnitsky will continue as Sergeant at Arms. First call for nominations resulted in no additional nominees from the floor.
Announcements: President Dave requests we all check out the Community Corps section of the web site to see if we wish to participate.*Don Summers confirms that the dictionary distribution to third graders at the Selinsgrove Intermediate School will occur on 11/14. Let him know if you wish to help.**Holiday Party will be on Dec. 18 at our regular time, details to follow.***John Reed won the 50/50.****New member will be installed later this month per Joyce Anderson and calling cards were distributed for all members to share with potential new members.
Rotary Minute: Donna Schuck spoke about the Presidential Citation program, giving out a brochure describing the program and inviting all to review in preparation for her next Rotary Minute.
Good News of RI: Konrad Kempfe shared information about a member of the RC of SanJose, CA who has supported the wheelchair foundation and helped deliver chairs to the needy all over the world as well as organizing fund drives and distributions.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy dollars as follows: himself (Ryan Keiser and family, Jeff); John Fischer (Jeff); Tom Gates (Pinehurst trip and golf); Ken Miller (Jeff and 42nd western hunting trip this time with grandson as well as son); Don Summers (back); Jerry Rhoads (here); Konrad Kempfe (Chicago trip); Mike Flock (travel, Jeff and Goucher); Bill Clark (Exton for Halloween and JeffJ); Toby Skinner (Jeff); Dave Lawer (nominating committee members); Charlie McCuen (speaker and FL trip); Donna Schuck (candidates accepting); John Thompson (back); Art Bowen (Penn State almost win and son’s visit); and Earl Ferster (+15, speaker, and one from Roy Kissinger, PDG, and visit to Kissinger’s Restaurant).
Future Programs
Nov. 13 – Veterans Day Program, Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and Directors. Veterans are asked to bring a picture, souvenir or uniform and to sit at the head table. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Nov. 20 – Doug Harbach, Director of Communications, PA Gaming Control Board will be the speaker. Hal Dunkelberger is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Nov. 27 – Happy Thanksgiving – No Meeting.
Dec. 4 – TBA, Rocky Baer is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Nov. 6 – Donna Schuck; 8 – Jerry Rhoads; 15 – Art Bowen; Gaston Carroll. Dec. 8 – Charlie McCuen; 10 – Marv Rudnitsky; 30 – Dottie Anderson.
Quotation: “From ghoulies and ghosties and long leggety beasties and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us.” Scottish Saying. Happy Halloween.