November 13, 2014

                                Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Light Up Rotary

Vol. 87, No. 20            President – Dave Lawer                   Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: November 20, 2014 – Doug Harbach, Director of Communications for the PA Gaming Control Board will be the speaker. Hal Dunkelberger is the host, 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

November 13, 2014: Twenty-one Rotarians were present for the Annual Meeting Election of Officers and Directors for 2015-16 and a special Veterans Day Program. Dave Lawer presided. Pat Pinkowski of the Nominating Committee presented the slate: Mike Piecuch, President; Mary Peterhaensel, President Elect; Ryan Felty, Vice President; Hal Dunkelberger, Secretary; Jared Roush, Treasurer; Art Bowen, Club Service; tba/Melissa Lanewski, Co-Directors for Community Service; Toby Skinner, Vocational Service; Art Bowen, Club Service; Marv Rudnitksy, New Generations. Note that two openings remain – a Director for International Service and a co-director for Community Service. There are currently 11 vets in the Club, 7 of whom were present and received special thanks, and a token candy bar as they shred memories with us. Dave Lawer, Air Force, spent his time in Viet Nam and Washington, DC; Don Summers was also in the Air Force, stationed at Fort McGuire; Marv Rudnitsky, who was ROTC at Penn State, after law school became part of the Adjutant General Corp, including time in a TX mountain; Bob Soper, also ROTC, served in the Medical Corp in Japan; Bill Clark also served in Japan and Alaska in Radio Communications; Earl Ferster served in the Army Infantry and, in Japan, as a member of the Military Police; Gaston Carroll spen 7o years in the PA National Guard, with training as a Calvary Scout, eventually becoming a member of the ROTC in college which landed him for an assignment in Egypt. Not present, but still thanked for their service are John Fischer, Jerry Rhoads, Tom Gates and Art Bowen.

Announcements: Tomorrow (11/14) is the dictionary distribution to third graders at the Selinsgrove Intermediate School. Don Summers invites others to join him, meeting by 12:30.*John Thompson began circulating the signup sheet for ringing the bell for the Salvation Army.**Joyce Anderson is again heading up our Christmas Family Project.

Rotary Minute: Pat Pinkowski shared John Kinny’s works about the Polio Plus challenge.

Good News of RI: Konrad Kempfe shared information Marc Prevot’s work serving as a team member of the Rotary bicycle El Tour de Tucson used to raise money for the eradication of Polio. Marc serves as a French translator for RI. The tour is the largest road bicycling event in the US, this time with more than 9000 riders.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy dollars as follows: Konrad Kempfe (having breakfast with vet Nelson Bailey); Ken Miller (in honor of all vets, including Bill Miller); Joyce Anderson ($11 for Club vets); Pat Pinkowski (vets); Dave Lawer (Joyce for flowers and candy); Bill Clark (deceased vets); Gaston Carroll (vets and new officers); Bob Soper (Joyce for the candy Vi will enjoy); and Earl Ferster (+15).

Future Programs

Nov. 27 – Happy Thanksgiving – No Meeting.

Dec. 4 – Megan Will, VP of the Selinsgrove Meals on Wheels program, Rocky Baer is the host. Michael Piecuch is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Dec. 11 – TBA, Ken Miller is the host. Pat Pinkowski is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Dec. 18 – Holiday Party with members of the Interact Club. Guests, partners welcome for this event to be held at our regular time, John Reed is the greeter. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

Birthdays: Nov.15 – Art Bowen; 20 – Gaston Carroll. Dec. 8 – Charlie McCuen; 10 – Marv Rudnitsky; 30 – Dottie Anderson.

Quotation: “The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.”       Maximilien Robespierre