November 20, 2014

                                Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Light Up Rotary

Vol. 87, No. 21                         President – Dave Lawer                              Editor – Jared Roush

November 27 – Happy Thanksgiving – No Meeting

Next Meeting: December 4, 2014 – Megan Will, VP of the Selinsgrove Meals on Wheels program will be the speaker. Rocky Baer is the host, Michael Piecuch is the greeter. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

 November 20, 2014: Rotarians and a guest (John Stokinger’s guest from Susquehanna Bank) were present as Doug Harbach, Director of Communications of the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board discussed gambling in Pennsylvania. The board oversees “legal gambling” in PA. Pennsylvania’s gaming act permits up to 12 casinos withing the state, currently there are 12 with 2 in the works to build and open in the near future. The gaming control board operates under no taxpayer expense; all expenses are paid by the casinos. The board’s primary objective is to ensure that all casinos within the state are safe and gaming is fair. Pennsylvania is #2 in the US (behind Nevada) in gambling revenue. The amount is approximately $4 million in tax revenue per day which equates to approximately $780 million per year. Be sure to review your property tax bills to see the “Homestead Act” credit/deduction on your bill. If you do not have the credit/reduction be sure to contact y our county assessment office to complete the necessary application.

Announcements: John Thompson has a signup sheet for the annual “bell ringing” for the Salvation Army at Smoker’s Express in Selinsgrove. If you can participate please see John.*Tom Gates reminded the group about the Tree Fest supporting the library. Our Club is participating with Pat Pinkowski and Dottie Anderson havinging begun the decorating!***Joyce Anderson is again heading up our Christmas Family Project.

Rotary Minute: Hal Dunkelberger reminded us of opcoming dates of PETS training and District Conference. See Hal if you are interested in any of the meetings.

Sergeant at arms: John Stokinger served as Sergeant at Arms. He collected happy fines as follows: himself (guest, missing meeting and upcoming Vermont trip); Hal Dunkelberger (Speaker and Thanksgiving Holiday); Pat Pinkowski (Seals district win and Thanksgiving); Donna Schuck (bittersweet attendance at their family’s last football game); Dave Lawer (guest and Dictionary Project, handout was successful); John Thompson (won HAM radio award for 4th consecutive year) CONGRATULATIONS; John Fischer (Juniata win and missing a meeting); Art Bowen (movies with grandkids and family visits); Jerry Rhoads (missing a meeting and for his Birthday) and Earl Ferster (+15 and successful turkey hunting).

Future Programs

Dec. 4 – Megan Will, VP of the Selinsgrove Meals on Wheels program, Rocky Baer is the host. Michael Piecuch is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Dec. 11 – TBA, Ken Miller is the host. Pat Pinkowski is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Dec. 18 – Holiday Party with members of the Interact Club. Guests, partners welcome for this event to be held at our regular time, John Reed is the greeter. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.


Birthdays: Dec. 8 – Charlie McCuen; 10 – Marv Rudnitsky; 30 – Dottie Anderson.


Quotation: “No one has ever become poor by giving.”       Anne Frank