Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Light Up Rotary
Vol. 87, No. 33 President – Dave Lawer Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: March 19, 2015 – Judi Karr of Nottingham Village Retirement Center will be the speaker. Jared Roush is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
March 12, 2015: Twenty-eight Rotarians plus16 guests were present as Lori Weir spoke about developments in the Meals for Seals program. Pat Pinkowski was the host. Dottie Anderson was the greeter. VP Mary Peterhaensel presided. VP Mary introduced Mimi Rice who in turn had each of the 12 visiting students from Senshu University in Tokyo, Japan, and the two SU students working with them, introduce themselves and share a bit of information. Since the Senshu program began at Susquehanna University in 1986, over 700 students from Senshu have participated in this three week program designed to improve their English speaking skills. Pat Pinkowski introduced Lori Weir, a co-founder of the Meals for Seals program, and she shared information about the success and expansion of the weekend food program. Now serving students in both the Elementary and the Intermediate School, the program includes all children in a family – currently 125 participants. Working with the School District, with support from the Snyder Ct. Coalition for Kids, volunteers pack meals with items provided by churches, a local farmer, and Weis Markets. Given the fact that 40-42% of students in the SASD qualify for free or reduced breakfast and lunch, helps one understand the importance of this program in helping prevent childhood hunger is this area.
Announcements: Members should plan now to attend Distinguished Service Award and Dinner on Thursday April 16 at 6 p.m. for the social time and 6:30 p. dinner when we present the award to Carol Handlan. Partners, guests welcome. **Five students competed last week in the 4 Way Test Speech Contest, Marv Rudnitsky organized the event with Britany Bunting Specht, Forensics Coach and Marv, Dottie Anderson and Mike Flock served as the judges.***Thank you note shared from Jerry Rhoads.****Donna Schuck invites interested persons to attend a meeting at 4:30 on 3/24 in the Gelnett Library to discuss a potential Croquet Your Way fund raiser with the person who organizes such events.
Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe shared information about Raya, one of the newest Muppets from Sesame Workshop who is helping promote the World Water Summit in Sao Paulo Brazil on June 4, 2015 immediately preceded RI Convention. “Rotary is all about clean water and sanitation for children everywhere and this is the focus of the WWS.
Sargent at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: himself (Mimi and Senshu, SV Chorale Concert this weekend, basketball); Pat Pinkowski (speaker, guests and sunshine); Mary Peterhaensel (guests); Donna Schuck (going to son’s appearance in Pittsburgh Improv Comedy Show, Art Bowen’s Chamber award); Bill Clark (Senshu students, speaker and sunshine); Toby Skinner (warm weather and seven calves born, studenrts); John Thompson (thank you from Red Cross); Wes Knapp (Art and students); Mike Flock (Lori and Meals for Seals program); John Fischer (Senshu connection, meeting in Don Rowe’s living room); Bob Soper (18 months in Japan); Mike Piecuch (Raise the Region campaign ends tonight); Ryan Felty (wife’s birthday and celebrating with a two year old); Dan Mahoney (Mimi and Senshu); Rocky Baer (back and ice hockey); and Earl Ferster (plus 15 and good weather).
Future Programs
March 26 – Speaker will be Stacey Richards of SEDA-Cog who is coordinating “Selinsgrove Saves” program which will be offered to residents in Selinsgrove and includes inspections by energy experts. Ken Miller is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
April 2 – Shelly Strable from Central Susquehanna Sight Services will be the speaker. Brian Neitz is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
April 9 – TBA, Mary Peterhaensal is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
April 16 – Distinguished Service Award Dinner, 6 p.m. social, 6:30 dinner, award being presented to Carol Handlan. Partners, guests more than welcome, signup sheet will be circulated. SVCC.
Birthdays: March 15 – Mary Peterhaensel; 24 – Dave Lawer; 26 – Bill Clark; 31 – Ken Miller. April 6 – Brian Neitz; 7 – Bob Soper, Ken Wagner; 28 – Bob Fogle.
Quotation: “Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable—the art of the next best.”
Otto von Bismarck