Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Light Up Rotary

Vol. 87, No. 35                                     President – Dave Lawer                               Editor – Dottie Anderson

 Next Meeting: April 2, 2015 – Shelly Strable from Central Susquehanna Sight Services will be the speaker. Brian Neitz is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Board of Directors meeting will be held at 11 a.m. – main topic is deliberation of opening a pass through account with the Community Foundation.

March 26, 2015: Twenty-six Rotarians and guest Paul Williams (Selinsgrove Borough Manager) were present as Stacey Richards of SEDA-Cog, who is the Coordinator of “Selinsgrove Saves,” spoke about this program designed to help residents and businesses reduce energy consumption. Ken Miller was the host, and he and Marv Rudnitsky Chair the advisory committee for the program. Much is owed to the Act 129 state mandated requirements on the four largest electric utilities in PA., including PP & L. PP & L offers energy audits and weatherization programs which establishes priorities for the homeowner or business owner in determining cost effective ways of reducing energy usage. The kick-off celebration is scheduled for 3/31 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Intermediate School Cafeteria. All are invited to attend to learn more about ways to take advantage of this program. The program will last for two years, until 9/16.

Rotary Minute: PR report by Mike Flock indicated that articles and pictures have appeared in both the Daily Item and the regional newsletter, as well as the web site and the facebook page.

Announcements: Signup sheet is circulating for the Distinguished Service Award and Dinner on Thursday April 16. 6 p.m. for the social time and 6:30 p.m. dinner when we present the award to Carol Handlan. Partners, guests welcome. ** Donna Schuck reported that members met with Steve Fluder, owner of Croquet Your Way, to explore fund raising opportunity. *** The flag program is underway – at $25 per flag, available at several businesses, we hope to have an attractive display at the field.****Jared reported that we rised $325 for Polio plus which will be matched two for one.*****Art Bowen reported that he has committee members and 1000 donated golf balls that need to be numbered, and that he will speak with the board of the SVCC to get a date set. Price per ball still to be determined.******Ryan Felty invited folks to sign up for the 4th annual financial symposium to be held at the SVCC on Wed. April 15. Speaker is Admiral Thomas Lynch.

Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe shared information about Clubs in Minnesota who banded together to provide textbooks and school supplies for an organization in Guatemala that is helping students from poor families receive an education.

Sargent at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: Happy Birthday to Dave Lawer and Bill Clark, himself (for Konrad subbing and upcoming army reunion); Ken Miller (speaker and Paul); John Stokinger (after 3 ½ days on the new job, he knows Jared does work); Bob Soper (guest); Mike Flock (7 yr old grandsons good works); Art Bowen (Karens ?? birthday, guests); Dave Lawer (guests and Ken and Marv for stepping up on important community project); John Fischer (golf tournament talk soon); Mike Piecuch (daughter’s field hockey success); Joyce Anderson (guests); Charlie McCuen (Fl and Japan trip); and missed someone; and Earl Ferster (speaker and +15).

Future Programs

April 9 – PETS and beyond for Rotary, Mary Peterhaensal is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

April 16 – Distinguished Service Award Dinner, 6 p.m. social, 6:30 dinner, award being presented to Carol Handlan. Partners, guests more than welcome, signup sheet will be circulated. SVCC.

April 23 – TBA, Dave Betz is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

April 30 – TBA, Mike Flock is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

 Birthdays:   March 31 – Ken Miller. April 6 – Brian Neitz; 7 – Bob Soper, Ken Wagner; 28 – Bob Fogle.

 Quotation: “Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both.”  

                                     Eleanor Roosevelt