May 28, 2015

                                Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Light Up Rotary

Vol. 87, No. 45              President – David Lawer                     Guest Editor – Jared Roush

Next Meeting: June 4, 2015 – 11:45 a.m., SVCC. Speaker is Margie Reier, National MS Society group leader from Lewisburg. John Thompson is the host. 

May 28, 2015: Rotarians were present for a presentation from Trooper Richard Blair of the PA State Police about the State Police Camp Cadet summer program. Don Rowe was the host. Trooper Blair has been with the PSP for over 18 years at the Selinsgrove barracks. Recently he has taken the position of “Community Service & Public Awareness Leader” located in the Milton barracks. Camp Cadet offers a unique opportunity for children to learn about the PSP and also help the child with Self Esteem, Discipline and Motivation. Various speakers are welcomed to make presentations to the children. The children have a structured routine providing them with classes and physical activities. The program is open to children 12 to 15 years old and the only cost is a $35.—application fee. The camp is a non-profit entity and is not funded by the state. All monies raised come from donations and various fundraisers throughout the year.

Announcements: Board meeting next week on June 4, 2015 at 10:00. This is the first meeting for the 2015-16 year. Flags will be taken down at the Rotary Field display on Friday the 29th at 3:30 anyone welcome to stop and assist. President Dave handed out the 2015 Scholarship awards at the HS graduation.

Good News: Dr. Kempfe told the club about fellow Rotarian To Thompson of Tennessee and his various projects in Honduras and providing villages with electricity.

Happy Fines: Joyce Anderson on behalf of John Fischer; for Don Rowe’s work on the flag display; Joyce Anderson: speaker; Mike Piecuch: speaker; Flag display and leaving early; Bob Soper: Speaker; Don Rowe: paid his “annual” happy fine all 52 weeks at one time and speaker; Mary P: upcoming 50th class reunion at Juanita College; Charlie McCuen: wonderful trip to Japan and Taiwan and Rotary Golf Team; Dave Betz: for President Dave’s work on the flag program; Earl: Meeting our weekly goal and Hal is supposed to make sure the flag’s eagle is in the right direction; Dave Lawer: Speaker, for Cooper Rowe’s phenomenal assistance in setting up the flag display; Konrad: Speaker.

Future Programs:

June 11 – Speaker is Laura Tyler, SVCC Golf Pro. Don Summers is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

June 18 – Steve Fluder, “Croquet Your Way: event organizer, Chad Cohrs is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

June 25 – Installation of the 2015-16 Board of Directors – Dottie Anderson will serve as the installing officer, outgoing President Dave Lawer will have the opportunity to reflect on his year and incoming President Mike Piecuch will have the opportunity to share a bit about his goals for the new Rotary year. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays: June 24 – Pat Pinkowski.

Quotation: “Normality is like a paved road: It’s comfortable to walk but no flowers grow on it.”

            Vincent Van Gogh