June 25, 2015

   Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Light Up Rotary

Vol. 87, No. 49       Past President – Dave Lawer/New President – Mike Piecuch

Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: July 2, 2015 – 11:45 a.m., SVCC. Speaker will be Greg Cole of Cole’s Hardware who will speak about his business and the new store plans in Selinsgrove. Bill Clark is the host. New President Michael Piecuch has schedule a Board of Directors meeting at 11 a.m. immediately preceding Club meeting.

June 25, 2015: Twenty + Rotarians and guest Jack Conner Piecuch (Dave’s grandson and Mike’s son) were present for the Installation of the 2015-16 Rotary Officers and Directors. Installed were Mike Piecuch, President; Dave Lawer, Past President; Mary Peterhaensel, President-Elect; Ryan Felty, Vice President; Jared Roush, Treasurer; Hal Dunkelberger, Secretary; and Directors – Art Bowen, Club Service; Melissa Laniewski (in absentia)(, Co-Community Service; Toby Skinner, Vocational Service; Marv Rudnitsky, New Generations. Outgoing President Dave reflected on his year as President, using the Greek word “ethos” as a unifying theme. He is proud of the work of all of the members in the numerous projects, continuing and new, especially with the developments in the area of New Generations. Incoming President Michael shared a bit about his plans for the Rotary year. He has three goals: sustaining current projects, fostering our new ventures (Croquet Your Way, Rotaract and Interact, incoming and outgoing Exchange students) and increasing the visibility of what we do. Light up Rotary is the RI theme until October when it becomes “Be a Gift to the World.” 2015-16 promises to be another productive Rotary year. Announcements: The Shamokin Dam Sunrise Club charter ceremony was held on June 28 at 2 p.m. Dave Lawer and Mike Piecuch attended. *Melissa Lanewski is organizing Rotary Hotdog Night at the Gazebo on July 21 and volunteers are needed.**Per Bob Soper, Jerry Rhoads is home and making progress with continued rehab. Per Konrad Kempfe, Nelson is in Health South and making progress slowly. Per e-mail from Wes Knapp, his wife is at Health South and making progress, he is also visiting Nelson regularly.

Good News of Rotary: Konrad Kempfe shared information about a Warsaw, Poland club and Anna Wieczorek who teaches English in Poland rural schools, a program that has expanded with assistance from Clubs from Germany, Italy, and Canada.

Sergeant at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows (to the best of the editor’s ability to keep up): Happy Birthday to Pat Pinkowski, himself (SACF morning meeting and meeting new ED of the CSVCF); John Fischer (same meeting and new members Donna Schuck, Pat Pinkowski and John Stokinger); Bob Soper (cabin vacation); Bill Clark (Dave’s year); Pat Pinkowski (Dave’s year); Donna Schuck(ditto); Dottie Anderson (ditto and SSDC fund raising); Dave Lawer (new officers and grandson); Mike Piecuch (sun, Camp Cadet and Earl dollar); Hal Dunkelberger (Joyce); Konrad Kempfe (soccer); Carlie McCuen (soccer player and last trial on the docket); and Joyce Anderson (Dave, Mike, Konrad, grandson and archery success).

Future Programs:

July 9 – Mike Piecuch will preside at a Club Assembly to talk about the 2015-16 Rotary year. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Substitute Editor is Jared Roush.

July 16 – Lunch with the Summer SEALS Day Campers at the Intermediate School in Selinsgrove. Enter from 18th Street. This is an opportunity to meet the staff and campers. Dottie Anderson is the host, Intermediate School Cafeteria, 11:45 a.m.

July 23 – TBA, Charlie McCuen is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

July 30 – TBA, Wesley Knapp is the host. Substitute Editor is Mike Flock. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays: July 6 – Joyce Anderson; 19 – Hal Dunkelberger, Jared Roush; 23 – John Thompson.

Quotation: “Character is like a tree, and reputation is like its shadow.. The shadow is what we think of it, the tree is the real thing.” Abraham Lincoln