Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Be a Gift to the World
Vol. 88, No. 3 President – Mike Piecuch Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: July 30, 2015 – 11:45 a.m., SVCC. Tentative: John Zechman is the speaker, Wes Knapp is the host. Art Bowen is the greeter.
July 23, 2015: Twenty-three Rotarians and a guest were present for the first Club Assembly of the 15-16 Club year. President Mike Piecuch presided, Bill Clark was the greeter. Marv Rudnitsky introduced the guest, Caesar Vulley, a 2015 Bucknell graduate from Giana. Caesar has determined to pursue a career in social enterprises – that is, identifying a problem and assisting in developing and funding solutions. He started the Rotaract Club at Bucknell, and he and 8 students leave in a month for Uganda, where with the assistance of a USAID grant, they will work with farmers in developing productive poultry farms. They are working on raising about $7000 more to fund the program called Nest Egg Savings. Caesar intends to become a Rotarian when that time has arrived and is clearly dedicated to the Service Above Self motto. Check this website for more information:
With Mike Piecuch presiding, the Club Assembly power point described the Clubs areas of commitment (with budget amounts in brackets) as we plan around the theme Be a Gift to the World. Our commitments were grouped by Rotary Field ($1600); Literacy and Scholarship ($7525); International ($4800); New Generations ($1000); Philanthropy, and Other. Our other expenses for meals and operating add up to about $27,000. The printed budget was distributed and members had the opportunity to affirm priorities and discuss how to increase our income. Upcoming in Sept. is the Golf Ball Drop that is budged to raise $5000 and to make that amount, each member will be asked to sell 25 tickets at $10 per ticket, with the opportunity for the purchased to win $2500. We will have at least a month to sell tickets. Some reservations were expressed about this expectation, and Art Bowen will work the sales pitch. More about this in next couple of meetings.
Announcements: Melissa Lanewski shared that the Gazebo Night went well, with approximately 150 hotdogs served by willing Rotary vounteers.* Konrad Kempfe shared that Nelson Bailey is home with help 24 hours a day and continues rehab. Jerry Rhoades attended today’s meeting and is happy to be back.**Unfortunately, we are unable to schedule another time for the Club to eat lunch with the SSDC campers as no other Thursday’s for the remainder of camp are available.***Rotary Summit is 8/1 in State College – see Hall asap if you are interested in attending.****After three rainouts, there will be movie night tonight on Rotary Field – the Lego Movie and free popcorn on tap.
Sergeant at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows (to the best of the editor’s ability to keep up): himself (guest and grandparent camp); Hal Dunkelberger (Melissa’s good work); John Stokinger (hotdog night and great organization); Joyce Anderson (guest and Jerry back); Konrad Kempfe (Shelter Box in budget); Mary Peterhaensel (homage to Scandinavian heritage); Jerry Rhoads (back after 6 weeks); Art Bowen (grandkids and family reunion);Melissa Laniewski (guest, hotdog helpers, daughter’s upcoming proposal); Dave Lawer (Jerry back, guest and Melissa); Mike Piecuch (movie night and volunteers); and Earl Ferster (double 15, Jerry back, and guest).
Future Programs:
Aug. 6 – “What’s Happening in Snyder Counter” presenter by the commissioners – Joe Kantz, Malcolm Derk, and Peggy Roup, Joyce Anderson is the host. Chad Cohrs is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Aug. 13 – TBA, Rocky Baer is the host. Michael Damiano is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Aug. 20 – Update on the Selinsgrove Area Community Foundation with Heather Rowe, John Fischer (host), et al. Greeters are Earl Ferster and Bob Fogle. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Aug. 27 – TBA, Dave Betz is the host. Mike Flock is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: August 14 – Kendra Aucker; 15 – Earl Ferster, Konrad Kempfe; 29 – Jay Lemons.
Quotation: “All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney