September 3, 2015

                                  Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Be a Gift to the World

Vol. 88, No. 9                                     President – Mike Piecuch          Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: September 10, 2015 – 11:45 a.m., SVCC. To be determined. Jared Roush is the substitute editor of the newsletter. Konrad Kempfe is the greeter.

 Sept. 3, 2015:  Thirty-two Rotarians were present to hear Kevin Oswald, Director of Food Service for both Selinsgrove and Lewisburg School Districts and the SUN Tech, speak about his work. Chad Cohrs was the host, Tom Gates the greeter.  We were joined by Assistant DG Mike Burich, a Shamokin Club member. New member Cheryl Stumpf, Education and Outreach specialist, was installed by Dottie Anderson and with the assistance of her sponsor, Art Bowen. The combined use of a Director of Food Services was initiated by the school districts to save money. In Selinsgrove, food service has a staff of 60 and provides 5000 student meals. Park of the National school lunch program provides subsidies from the Federal Government and from the state.  No money from the general funds is used to support food services, it is a separate entity. Of note is that 40% of Selinsgrove students are eligible for free or reduced lunch, while in Lewisburg, it is 20%.

Announcements:  Croquet tournament meeting with Steve Fluder is tonight, Sept. 3rd at the Selinsgrove Pump House at 5:30 p.m. All who want to participate are welcome to attend.*Ticket sales have reached 521 (yea for breaking even at 500), but now the momentum needs to continue to insure the Club of a successful fund raiser. Because of the need to have complete records regarding these numbered tickets, we are asked to turn in stubs, money and any unsold ones. Jared Roush will be doing the recording in John Stokinger’s absence. Note that volunteers are needed 9/5 and 9/12 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to sell tickets at the mall where a special location will be set up. Call or e-mail Art Bowen to sign up – 570-850-2256.**Call John Fischer to volunteer to work at the golf tournament. ***Market Street Festival is 9/26 and we will be circulating sign up for assistance at that event next week.****BEGINNING NEXT WEEK, WEAR YOUR ROTARY PIN TO MEETINGS. Fines will be levied if we forget! 

Sergeant at Arms:  Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: Happy Birthday John Fischer and Tom Gates, and from John Thompson (radio news); John Fischer (bd dinner with Tom; golf one up on Charlie, 14 foursomes for Tournament); Art Bowen (Cheryl joining, body surfing at 72, golf ball drop ticket sales); John Stokinger (leaving early and ticket sales);Melissa Laniewski (28th wedding anniversary); Pat Pinkowski (football on); Chad Cohrs (speaker and leaving early); Mike Piecuch (late and Mary P “jumping in”); Don Summers (late); Ryan Felty (numbering golf balls, missing last week, leaving early); Donna Shuck (Kyle coaching football); Dave Betz, Bob Soper, Konrad Kempfe (Hattaras); Mary Peterhaensel (Asst. DG); Joyce Anderson (speaker and Cheryl); Bill Clark (Cheryl); and Earl Ferster (+15, Cheryl).

Future Programs:

Sept. 17 – Official Visit by DG John Krumb, (Board meeting precedes this meeting at 11 a.m.). Unless speaker can change dates, Dr. Jonathan Niles, a Susquehanna University professor, will speak about the Freshwater Research Initiative supported by a Mellon Foundation grant. Michael Damiano is the host. Wesley Knapp is the greeter, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Sept. 24 – TBA, Hal Dunkelberger is the host. Melissa Laniewski is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 1 – TBA, Ken Wagner is the host. Charlie McCuen is the greeter. Nominating Committee appointed. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 8 – TBA, Earl Ferster is the host. Dave Lawer is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays: Sept. 6 – Melissa Laniewski; 24 – Don Summers. Oct. 4- Chad Cohrs; 21 – John Reed.

Quotation:  “Failure isn’t falling down. It’s staying down.”  Mary Pickford