September 24, 2015

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Be a Gift to the World

Vol. 88, No. 12                                   President – Mike Piecuch          Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: October 1, 2015 – 11:45 a.m., SVCC. To be determined. Ken Wagner is the host. Charlie McCuen is the greeter.

 Sept. 24, 2015:  Thirty Rotarians and guests were present for a program hosted by Hal Dunkelberger. Col (ret) James E. Williams, Jr., Chairman of the Pennsylvania Prostrate Cancer Coalition, spoke about the importance of advocacy in bringing about an improvement in the screening available for prostate cancer and in convincing men to be assertive in pursuing their own health – that is, urging that men go to the doctor when they are well and have the PSA done to provide a baseline figure, pay as much attention to your health as you pay to your car, etc. For those not present, additional information can be found at Marv Rudnitsky introduced Fanny, exchange student from Belgium, who spoke briefly about her initial impressions – a rural vs. urban environment, her American French teacher “mother,” her classmates and playing tennis. Also present was visiting Rotarian Clem Gilpin of the Hershey Club, a retired professor who resides in Middletown. Melissa Laniewski served as greeter.

Announcements: Dave Lawer circulated a signup sheet for working at the street fair and “pulling” ham tonight for the barbeque for the street fair. More help is needed to set up the tent at 7 a.m. *Donna Schuck circulated signup sheet for committees to help with Croquet Your Way fund raiser.**Joyce Anderson introduced new member Cheryl Stumpf.

Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: himself (Pirates, Fanny, leaving early); Tom Gates (John Fischer and successful Golf Tournament); Mike Flock (back from vacation); Bill Clark (speakers); Hal Dunkelberger (same); Joyce Anderson (speakers and Fanny); Donna Schuck (all children employed with benefits); Melissa Laniewski (not singing Happy Birthday); Bob Soper (family vacation in Rehobath); John Stokinger (Selinsgrove SAVES program); John Fischer (guests); Konrad Kempfe (weather); Mary Peterhaensel (late and with Toby); Cheryl Stumpf (girl’s weekend); Dave Lawer (guests); Mike Piecuch (Pastor’s installation and guests); Art Bowen (guests and 50th college reunion); and Earl Ferster (+15 and guests).

Future Programs:

Oct. 8 – TBA, Earl Ferster is the host. Dave Lawer is the greeter. Substitute Editor Jared Roush. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 15 – TBA, Mike Flock is the host. Ken Miller is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 22 – TBA, Tom Gates is the host. Brian Neitz is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Oct. 29 – TBA, Konrad Kempfe is the host. Mary Peterhaensel is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 p.m.

Birthdays: Oct.6 – Chad Cohrs; 21 – John Reed.

Quotation:  “The gent who wakes up and finds himself a success hasn’t been asleep.”  Wilson Mizner