Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Be a Gift to the World
Vol. 88, No. 15 President – Mike Piecuch Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: October 22, 2015 – 11:45 a.m., SVCC. Speaker is Senator John Gordner. Tom Gates is the host. Brian Neitz is the greeter. Substitute Editor needed.
Oct. 15, 2015: Twenty-four Rotarians and a guest (visiting Rotarian Carin Adamson, President of her Club in Victoria, TX and retired COO of a hospital who is visiting family in her birthplace – Mifflinburg) were present to hear new Rotarian Cheryl Stumpf’s vocational talk. Born and raised in Lebanon, she is a graduate of York College (where she met her husband) and holds the MA in counseling from Millersville and is a certified family therapist from Temple University’s program. Employed at Susquehanna University as a Counselor, Cheryl is highly invested in the Girls on the Run program, starting it here in 2010 and now expanded into 6 counties with 300 runners. Started in 1996, this national programs seeks to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident. She is joined in her joy of running by her family, a husband, son and daughter. Nov. 14 is the Girls on the Run 5K here in Selinsgrove.
Announcements: President Piecuch has appointed the following persons to the Nominating Committee: Chair, Dave Lawer, Donna Schuck, Pat Pinkowski, Mary Peterhaensel, and Ryan Felty.*Dave Lawer shared e-mails from Catherine Lucchi from Taiwan.**Mike Damiano reported on last Friday’s dictionary distribution to 250 3rd graders in the SASD, chaired by Don Summers.***Toby Skinner asks for some volunteers to distribute candy to participants in the Selinsgrove Halloween parade – meet at 5:45 p.m. on Tuesday, 10/20.
Sergeant at arms: Konrad Kempfe collected happy fines as follows (to the best of the editors ability to keep up): Dottie Anderson (for help from a NJ Rotarian Jim Davidson in combining storage units for sister); Joyce Anderson (leaving early); Dave Betz (no strike); Bill Clark (Jerry back and Vienna Boys Choir performance); Ken Miller (Jerry, and hunting trip); Charlie McCuen (Catherine Lucchi); Mike Damiano (Jerry and Don Summers); Mike Piecuch (speaker and guest); Jerry Rhoades (happy to be back); Dave Lawer (Cheryl, guest, Jerry and Bob Soper); Mike Piecuch (speaker and guest); John Reed (leave early and “dog family”); Bob Soper (Jerr7); Donna Schuck (late, Jerr7, daughter in Greenbrier Management program; Konrad Kempfe (Don Summers and Dictionary project); Carin Adamson (likes our happy finesJ); Earl Ferster: Speaker, and reaching our $15+ goal.
Future Programs:
Oct. 29 – Exchange student Fanny from Brussels will be our speaker. Marv Rudnitsky is the host. Mary Peterhaensel is the greeter. Substitute Newsletter editor needed. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Nov. 5 – Annual Meeting, Election of 2016-17 Officers and Directors; Susannah Faulk will be our speaker. SVCC, 11:45 am. This meeting preceded by Board of Directors Meeting at 11 a.m.
Nov. 12 – TBA, Melissa Laniewski is the host. John Reed is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Nov. 19 – TBA, David Lawer is the host. Jared Roush is the greeter, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Oct. 21 – John Reed. Nov. 6 – Donna Schuck; 15 – Art Bowen.
Quotation: “Food, love, career, and mothers – the four major guilt groups.” Cathy Guisewite