Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Be a Gift to the World
Vol. 88, No. 18 President – Mike Piecuch Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: November 12, 2015 – 11:45 a.m., SVCC. Liz Fulcher from Aromatic Wisdom Institute will be the speaker. Melissa Laniewski is the host. John Reed is the greeter. Elections of 2016-17 Officers and Directors will occur following second reading of the slate.
Nov. 5, 2015: Twenty-seven Rotarians were present for the Annual Meeting of the Selinsgrove Rotary Club. The Nominations Committee Chair, Dave Lawer, announced the following slate: Past President, Mike Piecuch; President, Mary Peterhaensel; President Elect, Ryan Felty; Vice President, Cheryl Stumpf; Secretary, Hal Dunkelberger; Treasurer, Dan Mahoney; Vocational Service – Joyce Anderson; International Service, Dave Lawer; Community Service Co-Chairs – Melissa Laniewski and Jared Roush; Club Service – Art Bowen; Young Generations – Marv Rudnitsky. In addition, Don Rowe is nominated as Chair of Selinsgrove Recreation, Inc. There were no nominations from the floor. A second reading of the slate and the election can occur next week. Konrad Kempfe introduced speaker Susannah Faulk, District Foundation Chair and member of the Muncy Club who shared information about the RI Foundation grants, both community and global, and how the process works. She showed pictures from projects undertaken by Clubs in the District and shared the impact that a small amount of money can have in underdeveloped countries on sanitation, potable water, and education.
Announcements: President Piecuch reported on several items from the Board Meeting, including cancelled meeting dates (11/26, 12/24 and 31) upcoming and Holiday Lunch on 12/17. He thanked those who distributed candy at the Halloween Parade, and shared that the board accepted John Thompson’s resignation with regret. Joyce Anderson will once again collect funds for items requested by Children and Youth as our Christmas project. We are participating in Tree Fest again – Imogene’s Antlers is the book.*Donna S confirmed that the name for the Croquet tournament is “Selinsgrove Rotary Community Croquet Challenge and circulated the committee list for anyone else who want to be involved in this May 20-21 event.** Dave L reminded members that he needs volunteers to help set the flags for Veterans’ Day. Meet at Rotary Field today at 1:30.***Unless someone steps forward by next Thursday to coordinate Salvation Army bell ringing for Late Shoppers’ Night, President Michael will tell planners that we are not participating this year.
Sergeant at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected “happy fines” as follows: Happy Birthday (twice) for Donna S and Jerry R – plus Jerry paid for being back and Donna paid for joint birthday celebration with her husband; himself (Penn State meeting and game with Raven); John F (Field Hockey in District finals again); Cheryl Stumpf (son surviving auto accident); Tom Gates (Philly trip with family and half marathon 2nd personal best); Bill Clark (65th high school reunion); Bob Soper (speaker); Konrad Kempfe (speaker); Susannah F (daughter and family in Selinsgrove); Mike Piecuch (Field Hockey win and Girls on the Run 5K 11/14); Dave L (gusts speaker, flag program, field hockey); Mary P (no pin); Dan Mahoney (good to see Jerry); Art B (speaker, cross country dirt road trip); and Earl Ferster (+15 and shooting turkey for Thanksgiving Dinner).
Future Programs:
Nov. 19 – Your Genetic Legacy, presented by members of the Geisinger Genetic Research Team, David Lawer is the host, Jared Roush is the greeter, SVCC, 11:45 p.m.
Nov. 26 – No Meeting – Happy Thanksgiving Day to all.
Dec. 3 – TBA, Jay Lemons is the host. Donna Schuck is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 p.m.
Dec. 10 – TBA, Ken Miller is the host. Marv Rudnitsky is the greeter, SVCC, 11:45 p.m.
Dec. 17 – TBA, Holiday Luncheon. Brian Neitz is the host. Toby Skinner is the greeter, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: Nov. 15 – Art Bowen. Dec. 8 – Charlie McCuen; 10 – Marv Rudnitsky; 30 – Dottie Anderson.
Quotation: “Even a woodpecker owes his success to the fact that he uses his head.” Edwin Markham