December 10, 2015

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Be a Gift to the World

Vol. 88, No. 22                                    President – Mike Piecuch                Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: Dec. 17, 2015. The Holiday Party meeting features speakers Mark and Suzanne Shoch of Shoch Physical Therapy. Brian Neitz is the host. Toby Skinner is the greeter.  11:45 a.m., SVCC.

 December 10, 2015:  Twenty Rotarians were present as host as Ken Miller introduced speakers Chad Aucker, Snyder County 911 Coordinator and Derick Shambach, Emergency Response Management. The use of 911 stated in 1978, with Caller ID added in 1990. Legislation over the years has provided grants that have facilitated expansion of Snyder County services and available equipment. Originally located in the basement of the County Courthouse, they are now located in a building of their own on 522, and have 25 employees, 9 of whom are fulltime. As the recipients of a $250,000 grant from The Department of Justice, they are now working at providing computers in all police vehicles. The GIS map program and the location services provided, enable a quick response for police, fire, hazmat, etc.

Announcements:  We are participating in Tree Fest again – Imogene’s Antlers is the book and all are encouraged to visit Tree Fest and support the Friends of the Library event.*The croquet your way meeting was held preceding this meeting and planning is underway. Next meeting is Jan. 14, with possibility of meeting with the consultant on the evening of the 13th.**Mike Piecuch reports that DG David Ford is on the mend following his heart surgery.

Sergeant at arms: Konrad Kempfe collected “happy fines” as follows from: Chad Cohrs (football season, end of “NCLB” and hopes for a passed state budget, and back); Pat Pinkowski (football season and being late); Wes Knapp (Chad and not snow days yet); Bill Clark (speakers and SU Candlelight Service)J; Ken Miller (speakers and deer season); Dave Lawer (speakers); Jerry Rhoades (cane only); Mike Piecuch (field hockey banquet, daughter lettering, speakers and their important work) and Earl dollar); Joyce Anderson (missionary friends safe home, speakers); and himself (FL trip).

Future Programs:

Dec. 24 and Dec. 31 – No Meeting

Jan. 7 – Joanne Troutman, President and COO of the GSV United Way will be the speaker. Dottie Anderson is the host, Don Summers is the greeter. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

Jan. 14 – TBA, John Reed is the host, Greeter, TBA. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

Jan. 21 – TBA, Jared Roush is the host. Rocky Baer is the greeter. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

Jan. 28 – Urban/Rural dinner meeting with Young Farmers and Future Farmers of America – Jerry Rhoades is the host. Partners and guests welcome. 6:15 p.m., Christ Community United Methodist Church, 3939 Park Rd.

Birthdays: Dec. 30 – Dottie Anderson. Jan. 5 – Mike Damiano; 13 – Mike Piecuch; 17 – Mike Flock, Wes Knapp.

Quotation:  “Peace is not the absence of conflict from life, but the ability to cope with it.”   Anon