March 31, 2016

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Be a Gift to the World

Vol. 88, No. 37        President – Mike Piecuch                      Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: April 7, 2016 – Speaker is Mr. Bob Garrett, COO of the Central Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce. Dan Mahoney is the host and Mike Flock is the greeter. 11:45 a.m., SVCC.

March 31, 2016: Thirty Rotarians and guests were present as Jay Muller, Director of the musical group Re-Creation USA, spoke about the group and its purposes. Pat Pinkowski was the host and Wes Knapp the greeter. Started in 1976 at Penn State, since 1977 the group has entertained free of charge at over 250 Veterans hospitals and homes. This was originally through the USO, this program receives support from ELKS National. Jay became Director in 1993, and now with the help of an agent, the group performs 320 concerts a year, making money by singing at fairs, etc. It is a non-profit group, and the singers volunteer, signing a 13 month contract. Some have stayed with the group as long as 6 years, but typically they will be with the group right after college and for a period of one or two years. Jay believes strongly that the program equips young people to thrive in the world.  Additional guests included the winners of the four way test speech contest (Hannah Domaroski (3rd place), Grace Heckman (2nd), and Natalia Brown (winner and she will represent the Club at the regional contest this coming Saturday) and exchange student Fanny Meyer, along with forensics coach Brittany Bunting-Specht. Natalia presented her speech about Entrepreneurship and being other, totally engaging the Rotarians. Joyce Anderson introduced new member Sarah Manaval, and guest, Kathy Specht (host of Fanny).

Announcements: Donna Schuck and John Stokinger gave a progress and motivational talk about Mallet Madness, our 5/21 fundraiser. Letters and brochures have been distributed, and it is time for all to approach non-profits and assist in recruiting teams. John Stokinger spoke of the need for all Rotarians to step up and participate in a variety of ways to set up and assist at the event both on 5/20 and 5/21. This is definitely an all hands on deck event. *Registration is open for District 7360 Conference, see Hal if you would like a reservation form. **Veterans Day Flag display help requested by Dave Lawer.***We had a moment of silence in memory of Dottie Roush.

Sargent at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: Happy Birthday Dave Lawer (also for guests and speakers) and Bill Clark (also guests); himself (Brittany and her work, the contestants and Fanny); John Fischer (speakers, first meeting for Golf Tournament with rec that proceeds benefit REC); Wes Knapp (speakers and guests); Donna Schuck (4 way speech contestants, good luck at regionals, family Easter);   Toby Skinner (speech and croquet picture); Joyce Anderson (guests); Sarah Manaval ((Natalia’s speech); John Reed (speech, family vacation, Two of the final four); Mary Peterhaensel (surviving Holy Week and Easter); Pat Pinkowski (speakers and joy of judging 4 way test contest); and Earl Ferster (+ 15 and speakers).

Future Programs:

April 14 – K9 Hero Haven, Mike and Anne Gibbs presenting, Mary Peterhaensel is the host, Tom Gates is the greeter. 11:45 a.m., SVCC

April 21 – Community Spirit Award Luncheon honoring the work of the Dauntless Hook and Ladder volunteers. Tom Garlock, Selinsgrove Chief of Police, will speak at the event. Joyce Anderson is the host and Konrad Kempfe is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

April 28 – John Stokinger and Jared Roush will present: Getting Motivated for Mallet Madness), SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

May 5 – Dave Lawer is the host as 2016 Rotary and SACF Scholarship Recipients are introduced to the Club. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays: April 6 – Brian Neitz; 7 – Bob Soper, Ken Wagner; 28 – Bob Fogle.

Quotation:  “A good laugh is sunshine in a house.” William Makepeace Thackeray