May 19, 2016

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Be a Gift to the World

Vol. 88, No. 44        President – Mike Piecuch     Editor – John Stokinger

Next Meeting: May 26, 2016 – Speaker will be J. Donald Steele, member of the Early Learning Investment Committee of the GSVUW. Host is Bill Clark, greeter is Brian Neitz.  11:45 a.m., SVCC.

May 19, 2016: Twenty-nine Rotarians were present as Ron Cohen, VP of University Relations at Susquehanna University gave us an update. Dave Betz was the host. Jay Lemons also attended and commented on Ron’s DQ uniform. Ron has been at the University for 25 years. He referred to himself as the “nickname guy” which had been his moniker for the past year. He didn’t elaborate on that topic. He proceeded to read a recent presentation made by “Danielle,” a 2016 graduating senior. Danielle had made this presentation to a group of 300-350 accepted freshmen, who had not yet agreed to attend S.U. Her presentation promoted S.U.’s academics, internships, clubs, her international studies in England and her resulting foreign travel. She detailed her internship arranged by a prior S/U/ graduate and her resulting job offer received six months before her graduation. She was trying to convince these potential freshmen of the value of an S.U. education/experience.

Ron then told us about the new Admissions building, currently under construction, which should be completed by late 2016. It will provide a much better first impression to new persons on campus. It is funded entirely by Trustee donations/ He also described the University’s decision to try to provide every student with either an internship or research opportunity. They presently have 40 international students on campus. Their incoming freshmen class is presently at 644, which would be their 2nd largest. They will have 2,200 enrolled next fall.

Announcements: Plan ahead – Installation of 2016-17 Officers and Directors is scheduled for June 23. *Donna Schuck reported that to date we have raised $7000 as part of the Mallet Madness fund raising event, with additional sponsorships and teams still possible until tomorrow. John Stokinger reported all volunteers are in place and he circulated a roster to remind everyone of their commitments. We still need players for some already sponsored teams. All players and Rotarians should get an email by early Friday reminding them of the schedule of events.

Sargent at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: (John Stokinger was distracted and forgot for a few minutes that he was today’s editor.) Numerous people paid fines for the Croquet Event, the Speaker and Art’s niece’s (?) great performance on Wheel of Fortune. Earl Ferster (++15 and speaker).

Future Programs:

June 2 – Speaker will be Bill Braasch from First Trust Portfolios on the topic “Reasons to Be Bullish.” Economic and Capital Market outlook for 2016. Mike Damiano is the host and Pat Pinkowski is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

June 9 – Speaker will be PDG Karen H. Teichman, E/MGA, on the 100 years of the Rotary Foundation Celebration, , Hal Dunkelberger is the host, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

June 16 – TBA, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays:  June 24 – Pat Pinkowski

Quotation:  “The game of golf would lose a good deal if croquet mallets and billiard cues were allowed on the putting green.”  Ernest Hemingway