Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Serving Humanity
Vol. 89, No. 1 President – Mary Peterhaensel Editor – Dottie Anderson
July 7 – no meeting – Happy July 4th week.
Next Meeting: July 14, 2016 – Looking forward in Rotary – A Club Assembly, Mary Peterhaensel presiding. Learn more about our Club’s plans for 2016-17. Board of Directors – remember that a board meeting is scheduled for 11 a.m. at the SVCC on the 14th. Mary Peterhaensel presiding. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
June 30, 2016: Twenty-six Rotarians and guests ( including newly installed DG Dick Drucker), were in attendance for a program about the Down Syndrome Society of the Susquehanna Valley presented by Jamie (President) and Steve Hill. John Fischer was the host and Jared Roush was the greeter. This was both an inspiring and informative program in which Steve shared their experience with the birth of their son Eric and learning he had Down Syndrome. They formed DSSSV in 2012 in order to assist parents in finding support and helping the children grow and develop. They are now an officially certified non-profit and sponsor Buddy Walk (held the 2nd Saturday of Sept.) which includes a Chinese Auction and a fair as a fun way of raising money and awareness. World Down Syndrome Day is 3/21 annually in recognition of the extra chromosome in the 21st cell which is the cause of Down Syndrome. Check web site for additional information
Announcements: Movie tonight at Rotary Field – The Minions.*Golf Tournament (24th annual) is scheduled for 9/12/16 with proceeds benefiting the SACF and The Selinsgrove REC.**Hot Dog night at the Gazebo is July 19.***One Summit is scheduled for Aug 6 in State College, with the grants portion occurring from 1:30 to 3. We need three members to attend in order to be eligible to apply for RI and District grants this Rotary year.
Sargent at Arms: Konrad Kempfe collected happy fines as follows: Happy Birthday Joyce Anderson (who also paid a happy fine in recognition of guests); Dave Betz (both sons all-star players); Charlie McCuen (9th anniversary with Sharon); Mike Flock (leaving early and daughter’s visit); Tom Gates (family vacation in Myrtle Beach and his favorite holiday – July 4); Bill Clark (Calif. Daughter, Bethany Beach celebration); Bb Soper (week at cabin with family); Art Bowen (grandson’s July 4 bithday, friends visiting); Sarah Manaval (guests); Carol Handlan (guest, July 4th plans, granddaughter and Knoebel’s visit); Jhn Fischer (speakers, Penn’s Tavern); Mary Peterhaense (more time with grandson after wrestling camp); DG Dick Drucker (Club members at his Installation and first time in Selinsgrove); Hal Dunkelberger (Clubs official anniversary); John Reed (back and appreciates sympathy expressed by Club on his father’s death); Jared Roush (last day as Treasurer); and Earl Ferster (+15 and appreciated rain).
Future Programs:
July 21 – Carol Handlan will give her classification/vocational talk and returning Exchange Student Catherine Lucci will talk about her year away and future plans. Joyce Anderson is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
July 28 – at the Intermediate School (off of 18th street) to have lunch with the Summer SEALS Day Campers, 11:45 a.m. Campers will be washing cars after Lunch with no fee charged (but donations welcome). Dottie Anderson is the host. Dave Betz is the greeter.
August 4 – Summer SEALS Day Camp 10th anniversary celebration at Rotary Field – 5:30 to 8 p.m. Please RSVP to or 570-372-4372 by July 28. See your individual invitation. As one of the three partners who make the Camp possible, Rotary members and guests are more than welcome to enjoy this fun evening with lots of food and entertainment.
August 11 – TBA, Art Bowen is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: July 19 – Hal Dunkelberger and Jared Roush. August 15 – Earl Ferster, Konrad Kempfe; 29 – Jay Lemons.
Quotation: “Freedom and the dignity of the individual have been more available and assured here than in any other place on Earth.” Ronald Reagan