Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Serving Humanity
Vol. 89, No. 3 President – Mary Peterhaensel Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: July 28, 2016 – The Club meets at the Selinsgrove Intermediate School for lunch and program with the Summer SEALS Day Campers at 11:45 a.m. Plan to stay and have your car washed by the campers following lunch. Dottie Anderson is the host and Dave Betz is the greeter.
July 21, 2016: Twenty-six Rotarians were in attendance as Carol Handlan presented her classification/vocational talk. Returning exchange student Catherine Lucci, had a conflict with a college commitment and will be scheduled for another time. Joyce Anderson was the greeter. Carol wants an absent Mike Flock to know she was wearing a dress for her talk. Carol has just retired after 48 years working in higher education financial aid. She was first employed right after high school for New Jersey Higher Ed Authority and was there for 15 years while attending community college and then College of New Jersey and completing an undergraduate degree. She then worked for PHEAA. She changed jobs following her marriage to Jim Handlan, an SU professor, working at Susquehanna in financial aid for 7 years before returning to PHEAA for the rest of her career. She remains committed to helping students and families gain financial literacy and the real meaning of “college affordability” (i.e. what the family can afford to pay). She will volunteer her services to those who need assistance and plans to teach with Marv Rudnitsky on these topics in the REC when it is open. Carol strongly recommends a PHEAA computer program – Mysmartborrowing – as a way of determining what you can afford. Carol continues to serve as the President of Selinsgrove Projects, Inc, working with both the Brew Fest (another successful one last week) and Market Street Festival.
Announcements: Golf Tournament (24th annual) is scheduled for 9/12/16 with proceeds benefiting the SACF and The Selinsgrove REC.*One Summit is scheduled for Aug 6 in State College, with the grants portion occurring from 1:30 to 3. We need three members to attend in order to be eligible to apply for RI and District grants this Rotary year.**Melissa Laniewski reported on another successful hotdog night at the Gazebo and thanks everyone who helped. She will be consulting with Ken Miller and determining a way to be sure those doing events have access to the storage room – as in needing to know code to lockbox.***4th quarter bills have been distributed by John Fischer – payment due by end of Aug.
Sargent at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: himself (Germany trip with grandson and interesting medical experience, and he and Raven will celebrate 50th anniversary 8/5); Melissa Laniewski (hotdog helpers, daughter joinging Tyson Corners Rotary and importance facebook played in that); Pat Pinkowski (hotdog night); Art Bowen (family trip); John Fischer (8/6 Holland and Sweden trip and exchange students); Joyce Anderson (Carol and accepting Membership Chair job); Cheryl Stumpf (son’s college visits); Carol Handlan (successful brew fest and no pin); John Stokinger (Red Sox wins); Toby Skinner (late and hotdog night); Charlie McCuen (Montreal trip and visit with daughter’s family, Rotary Golf team in third place); and Earl Ferster (+15 and spreading knowledge of Rotary).
Future Programs:
August 4 – Summer SEALS Day Camp 10th anniversary celebration at Rotary Field – 5:30 to 8 p.m. If you haven’t done so already, please RSVP to or 570-372-4372 by July 28. See your individual invitation. As one of the three partners who make the Camp possible, Rotary members and guests are more than welcome to enjoy this fun evening with lots of entertainment and good food.
August 11 – TBA, Mike Piecuch is the host, Art Bowen is the greeter. 11 am Board of Directors meeting, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
August 18 – TBA, Brian Neitz is the host, Chad Cohrs is the greeter, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
August 25 – TBA, Charlie McCuen is the host, Mike Damiano is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: August 15 – Earl Ferster, Konrad Kempfe; 29 – Jay Lemons.
Quotation: “We are the sum total of all the choices we have made.” Eleanor Roosevelt in You Learn by Living