Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Serving Humanity
Vol. 89, No. 7 President – Mary Peterhaensel Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: August 25, 2016 – Jennifer Johnston, Librarian at the Selinsgrove Gelnett Library, is the speaker. Charlie McCuen is the host. Mike Damiano is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Aug. 18, 2016: Twenty-two Rotarians and the speaker and his guest (Dave Malone) were present as Art Lieberman of MCPS, spoke about the business of credit card processing. Brian Neitz was the host, Chad Cohrs was the greeter. Art’s business includes credit purchases for 600 camp grounds as well as numerous local businesses. He has run his business out of New Berlin for the past 16 years as Merchant’s Choice. It was interesting to learn the history of the development of credit cards (with magnetic strips that are “fixed” and provide ones name, address, SSN, credit card number and is responsible for about 8 billion in fraud annually in the USA). The idea of the Eurochip is that it changes after each transaction and, especially once the pin is fully implemented, will prevent current forms of fraud. Art is also a motivational speaker and has been involved with Dale Carnegie program which urges one to “think outside the box.”
Announcements: Golf Tournament (24th annual) is scheduled for 9/12/16 with proceeds benefiting the SACF and The Selinsgrove REC. Dave Betz circulated a signup sheet for volunteers to work that day.*4th quarter bills have been distributed by John Fischer – payment due by end of Aug.**Dave Lawer will be providing an “international minute” at meetings and urges that the members consider contributions to the RI Foundation.***Volunteers needed to “person” the popcorn machine and provide a Rotary presence at Snyder County’s Night Out on August 23 at East Snyder park.****Art Bowen spoke about the “host calendar” that has been distributed and urges members to pay attention to when they are scheduled and to provide information about programs to Dottie for the newsletter. Art also has suggestions about speakers if host has difficulty identifying a program. Also, Golf Ball drop is scheduled for 10/15 and all will be asked to sell tickets soon.
Sargent at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: Happy Birthday to Earl Ferster (and +15 at the end and birth of twin great grands – a boy and a girl) and Konrad Kempfe); himself (50th anniversary party by daughters and nostalgic “honeymoon” trip); Pat Pinkowskie (back, all her grandchildren in school); Brian Neitz (speaker and his guest); Dave Lawer (speaker and birthday boys); Bill Clark (kids visits); Aart Bowen (Bethany Beach trip, next round of visits); Dave Betz (vacation); Chad Cohrs (20 new teachers, school starting, leaving early); Charlie McCuen (Montreal trip, VA beach trip next, Sharon’s WITF art show opening); Ken Miller (granddaughters and cabin visit); Joyce Anderson (guests); Bob Soper (Sunbury Art Show); and Art Lieberman (his 76th bd yesterday, kids coming to celebrate).
Future Programs:
Sept. 1 – Speaker is John Zechman, Snyder County Sheriff. Ken Miller is the host, Earl Ferster, greeter. Substitute Editor Jared Roush. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Sept. 8 – Ricki Stringfellow will speak about the Meals on Wheels program, Tom Gates is the host. Greeter is Hal Dunkelberger. Substitute Editor is John Stokinger. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Sept. 15 – Official visit by the District Governor, Richard Drucker. All members are urged to be present. A Board of Directors meeting precedes regular meeting at 10:45 a.m. Mike Flock is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Sept. 22 – TBA, host is John Stokinger, greeter is Bob Fogle SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: August 29 – Jay Lemons. September 3 – Tom Gates, 4 – John Fischer, 23 – Don Summers, 27 – Ken Miller.
Quotation: “It is with trifles, and when he is off guard, that a man best reveals his character.” Arthur Schopenhauer