Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Serving Humanity
Vol. 89, No. 8 President – Mary Peterhaensel Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: September 1, 2016 – John Zechman, Snyder County Sheriff, is the speaker. Ken Miller is the host. Tom Gates is the greeter. Jared Roush is the Substitute Editor. An 11 a.m. board meeting precedes regular meeting. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Aug. 25, 2016: Twenty-five Rotarians were present for Jennifer Johnston’s presentation about programing at Selinsgrove’s Rudy Gelnett Memorial Library. Charlie McCuen was the host, Mike Damiano was the greeter. Jennifer who has been employed at the library since 2008, is obviously delighted with the range of programs and services that can now be offered in the renovated facility. Statewide, libraries are thinking of themselves as community centers, and they provide programs from new mothers and babies to senior citizens, with increasing emphasis on after school programs, and working with “tweens” to encourage communication and literacy. A new program through a statewide effort is “cruise into kindergarten” which is designed to increase radiness for school for those who have not attend a pre-school program. Food for Thought, Mai-Jung, and soon, scrabble, are part of the adult program. Charlie is the only male member of the Friends of the Library board. This is a group that is a major fund raising source, sponsoring things like the Art and Wine Evening (10/1/16), Tree Fest, book sales, etc. There is much to be proud of about the Library and its role in the community.
Announcements: Golf Tournament (24th annual) is scheduled for 9/12/16 with proceeds benefiting the SACF and The Selinsgrove REC. John Fischer announced that sponsors and players are being sought and her circulated a signup sheet for volunteers to work that day.*4th quarter bills have been distributed by John Fischer – payment due by end of Aug.**Dave Lawer spoke about Market Street Festival, we will make and sell ham barbeque again.***Golf Ball drop is scheduled for 10/15 and all will be asked to sell tickets soon.
Sargent at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: himself (Snyder Ct. Night Out and 1000 hotdogs when 5000 in attendance); John Fischer (visit with exchange students in Holland and Sweden, another one coming to visit for 6 weeks with help needed from Spanish speakers); Dave Lawer (start of school, christening of Christopher David); Bill Clrk (58th wedding anniversary yesterday); Art Bowen (kids and animals); Mike Flock (Night Out success and Mike Piecuch’s work); Pat Pinkowski (puppy sitting for a Golden Doodle); Dan Mahoney (son to school in FL and visit with grand); Charlie McCuen (speaker and Sharon’s Art Show success at WITF); Mary Peterhaensel (daughter’s 45th birthday); Mike Damiano (Dan M, vacation and daughter’s grad school start); Konrad Kempfe (speaker); Sarah Manaval (speakers and kids back at school); John Stokinger (RF benefactor); Joyce Anderson (all the grands back in school); Jerry Rhoades (back from Cape Cod); and Earl Ferster (speaker and +15).
Future Programs:
Sept. 8 – Ricki Stringfellow will speak about the Meals on Wheels program, Tom Gates is the host. Greeter is Hal Dunkelberger. Substitute Editor is John Stokinger. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Sept. 15 – Official visit by the District Governor, Richard Drucker. All members are urged to be present. A Board of Directors meeting precedes regular meeting at 10:45 a.m. Mike Flock is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Sept. 22 – Speaker will be Makenzie Stover, Selinsgrove Borough Recreation Coordinator, host is John Stokinger, greeter is Bob Fogle SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Sept. 29 – Club Assembly, Mary Peterhaensel presiding. Tom Gates is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Oct. 6 – Tent – SVL, Mike Flock is the host. Earl Ferster is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: August 29 – Jay Lemons. September 3 – Tom Gates, 4 – John Fischer, 23 – Don Summers, 27 – Ken Miller.
Quotation: “Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work.” Ann Landers