Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Serving Humanity
Vol. 89, No. 11 President – Mary Peterhaensel Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: September 22, 2016 – Speaker will be Makenzie Stover, Selinsgrove Borough Recreation Coordinator. John Stokinger is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
September 15, 2016: Twenty-four Rotarians were present for the Official Visit of District Governor Richard Drucker. He was introduced by ADG Mike Buriak. DG Drucker was born in NJ, raised in Maine, returning to NJ where he was in newspaper publishing. It is there that he became a Rotarian. He has served Rotary in a number of ways, serving as a Club President 5 different times and previously as DG in 94-95. Now a member of the Ringtown Club, he has continued to be involved at the local, District, National and International level. The DG reviewed upcoming important dates – like the Foundation Dinner in Altoona, the Rotary Leadership Institute in Hagerstown, a Cruise to the Bahamas, 3-12 to 19, the District Conference in the Poconos over Mother’s Day weekend, Pedal Out for Polio, 5/20; RI Convention in Atlanta June 10-14. Under the theme of Rotary Serving Humanity, RI is all about Peace through Service. The revised by-laws now provide flexibility in meeting types and times. Goals for the District this year are to increase giving to the RI Foundation, increasing membership from 2550 to 2650, encouraging new donors to the Foundation to contribute at least $26.50 (amount of the first gift to the Foundation, now celebrating 100 years). A board meeting preceded the regular meeting, providing opportunity for discussion about the Club and its projects.
Announcements: Dave Lawer reported on Monday’s Golf Tournament – 80 players, grossed $23,000, netting about $13,000 to be split between the SACF and the REC.*Dave Lawer passed around a sign-up sheet for the Market Street Festival which is 9/24. Please add your name to help with setup, cleanup and working at the stand.**John Stokinger distributed tickets for the Golf Ball Drop – the event is scheduled for 10/15, so urgent that we all get moving to sell the up to 1000 tickets. Grand prize is $2500, First prize is $1000, 2nd prize is $500, 3rd prize is $250 (for the ball farthest from the hole).
International Moment: Dave Lawer spoke about Sherriff Zechman’s talk in which he said ‘real problems aren’t going to be solved by governments’ reminding Dave that 26,000 children were denied admittance to the US this last year. John Reed spoke up about Northumberland County’s need for foster and adoptive parents. What we do as individuals and as Rotary matters.
Sargent at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: himself (DG and Steeler’s win); Dave Lawer (Dan Mahoney, DG, Mike Piecuch shaving his head along with others in the courthouse); Bill Clark (guest and granddaughter’s birthday); Cheryl Stumpf (DG, leaving early); Joyce Anderson (DG and grandson); Donna Stuck (missed meetings and son’s LA move); Bob Soper (DG); John Stokinger (DG and ADG, Patriot win); Konrad Kempfe (guests); Charlie McCuen (Golf T and putting for Friends of the Library); Jerry Rhoads (DG and ADG); Mary Peterhaensel (DG, ADG, 20th anniversary of ordination, selling floating mulligans); Richard Drucker (Giants win, Selinsgrove visit); Mike Buriak (grandson’s birthdays); Dan Mahoney (tomorrow’s Shik win over Selinsgrove; Donna S again (Selinsgrove’s win); and Earl Ferster (guests, +15 and those who pay that dollar even in his absence).
Future Programs:
Sept. 29 – Club Assembly, Mary Peterhaensel presiding. Tom Gates is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Oct. 6 – Leadership Susquehanna Valley, Mike Flock is the host. Earl Ferster is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Oct. 13 – Update on the REC, Kelly Feiler is the speaker. Dave Lawer is the host, Wes Knapp is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Oct. 20 – Kelly O’Brien-Gavin from Rural Business Innovation, will speak about the RBI, KIZ program and the incubator’s impact in Selinsgrove. Carol Handlan is the speaker, Melissa Laniewski is the greeter.
Birthdays: September 23 – Don Summers, 27 – Ken Miller.
Quotation: “When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go.” Carol Burnett