Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Serving Humanity
Vol. 89, No. 13 President – Mary Peterhaensel Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: October 6, 2016 – Speaker will be talking about Leadership Susquehanna Valley program. Mike Flock is the host and Konrad Kempfe is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Board meeting precedes at 11 a.m.
September 29, 2016: Twenty-seven Rotarians and one guest (Erik Groes-Peterson, student form Ecuador who is second generation exchange student with Fischers and Millers) were present for the Club Assembly. John Fischer reported that the net from the Golf Tournament has exceeded $14,000 and a check will be given to The REC when Kelly Feiler speaks to Rotary). In addition he read a thank you note from Joyce Hendricks (Friends of the Library) for Rotary proceeds from working the putting contest at the Tournament. Dave Lawer reported on the Market Street Festival using the metaphor of the Geese flying in formation and demonstrating how folks step-up as needed. Approximately $455 was netted selling the ham barbeque and desserts, but much more was “earned” in those who stepped up and the additional folks helped (like Haven Ministries who were given rolls and left ham barbeque. Suggestions were solicited for next year. Pop-up tents were seen as a definitely positive addition. Polio Plus purple pinkies raised about $30. Nominating Committee was appointed – Mike Piecuch, chair, Dave Lawer and Donna Schuck. Report from the Committee on 2017-18 officers will be due two weeks before annual meeting – Nov. 17 Annual Meeting and Election. Mary circulated the minutes from the Board of Directors Meeting with DG Drucker. Discussion ensued about several items – relationship with students at Susquehanna in absence of Rotoract Club; website issues, membership (new members, orientation for new members); finances. Motion made by Mike Piecuch, seconded by Mike Flock that Cheryl Stumpf, VP, be authorized to explore “hiring” an intern or (s), to help with marketing strategy and web site development. Motion passed. Lengthy discussion re DG thought that we should prepare a video about Rotary Field and uses in the community for showing at RI Conference in Atlanta – general agreement that this would need to be professionally done, but without resolution at this point.
Announcements: John Stokinger distributed tickets for the Golf Ball Drop – the event is scheduled for 10/15, so urgent that we all get moving to sell the up to 1000 tickets. Grand prize is $2500, First prize is $1000, 2nd prize is $500, 3rd prize is $250 (for the ball farthest from the hole). Urgent that sales be made and reported to John.**Don Summers invites help with Dictionary Distribution on 10/7 at 12:30 at the Intermediate School International Moment: Dave Lawer spoke about Polio Plus and Mary’s conversation with a couple of young people on Saturday who didn’t understand and were impressed with Rotary’s work in eliminating this disease in the world.
Sargent at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: himself (Pat’s sauce recipe, learning ham shredding, etc.); John Fischer (Mike P’s haircut, Mary helping Erik learnin English); Dave Lawer (Erik in 5K, all the help and stepping up for MSF); Tom Gates (Dave’s leadership for MSF); Bill Clark (successful cataract surgery, grandson playing Rugby against SU team); Pat Pinkowski (MSF and rain); Melissa Laniewski (Carol H and Dave L’s MSF work); Carol Handlan (MSF, rain, missed meetings); Cheryl Stumpf (25th wedding anniversary, MSF); Mike Piecuch (missed meetings); Sarah Manaval (MSF,Bloomsburg Fair and the rain); Dave Betz (everyone helping); Mike Flock (needs megaphone and Charles catfish story); Konrad Kempfe (Dave’s leadership); Toby Skinner (rain, Dave, and Carol); Charlie McCuen (MSF and John Fischer’s 24 year successful run with Golf Tournament – proceeds closer to $15,000 once everyone pays); Joyce Anderson (Dave and Carol); Jerry Rhoads (well is happy because of rain); Mary Peterhaenselk (fun doing Rotary work), and Earl Ferster ( +15 + Mike P and rain).
Future Programs:
Oct. 13 – Update on the REC, Kelly Feiler is the speaker. Dave Lawer is the host, Wes Knapp is the greeter. SACF check presentation. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Oct. 20 – Kelly O’Brien-Gavin from Rural Business Innovation, will speak about the RBI, KIZ program and the incubator’s impact in Selinsgrove. Carol Handlan is the speaker, Melissa Laniewski is the greeter.
Oct. 27 – Vocational Program – Jennifer Haine, Director of the Sun Area Career and Technology Center, Chad Cohrs is the host. Dan Mahoney is the greeter, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Nov. 3 – TBA, Pat Pinkowski is the host, Charlie McCuen is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: October 6 – Chad Cohrs, 21 – John Reed. November 6 – Donna Schuck, 8 – Jerry Rhoads, 15 – Art Bowen.
Quotation: “Good words are worth much and cost little.” George Herbert