October 6, 2016

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Rotary Serving Humanity

Vol. 89, No. 14                               President – Mary Peterhaensel          Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: October 13, 2016 – Kelly Feiler will be speaking about The REC. Dave Lawer is the host and Wes Knapp is the greeter. John Fischer will be presenting a check from the SACF raised at the Golf Tournament. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

October 6, 2016:  Twenty three Rotarians were present for this program about the Leadership Susquehanna Valley. Mike Flock was the host and Konrad Kempfe the greeter. Paulette Renner, member of the 2016 class, spoke about the value the program has in networking and acquainting persons with a full picture of the valley and what it has to offer as well as its challenges. Several members are graduates of this program and all affirmed its importance in increasing volunteers for non-profit organization and in helping class members to identify a passion for specific services. Started in 1993 by 11 cooperating organizations such as the United Way and the Chamber of Commerce, each class of 25 experiences an introductory meeting in August, a 1/1/2 day retreat in September, and 8 full program days, with a graduation in June. Paulette particularly enjoyed becoming acquainted with agriculture and environmental issues. Serving as a board member for LSV, Mike Flock spoke about what has been gained for the region through this program. A Board meeting preceded this meeting and President Mary has appointed a small by-laws committee to look at the by-laws and flesh out language relating to corporate membership and adding the young generations’ avenue of service.

Announcements: SELL, SELL, SELL those tickets: John Stokinger thanked those who have sold tickets for the Golf Ball Drop – the event is scheduled for 10/15, so urgent that we all get moving to sell the up to 1000 tickets. He still has several hundred to sell. John Fischer had signs available to be put outside businesses to encourage ticket sales.  Grand prize is $2500, First prize is $1000, 2nd prize is $500, 3rd prize is $250 (for the ball farthest from the hole). Urgent that sales be made and reported to John.**Tomorrow is when  Dictionary Distribution will occurr at 12:30 at the Intermediate School.** help will be needed again for candy distribution at the Halloween Parade.

Sargent at arms: Marv Rudnitsky (his last SACF Board meeting this morning); John Stokinger (camping and new deck); Pat Pinkowski (Marv’s service on the SACF); Bill Clark (SU Rugby win and grandson scoring only goal for F & M); John Fischer (Philly trip with Erik); Carol Handlan (SACF and Marv’s service); Mike Flock (speaker and archery hunting); Mary Peterhaensel (daughter’s new puppy plus one); Konrad Kempfe (Cheryl’s work in suicide prevention); Charlie McCuen (Wisconsin win not noted last week, house in FL boarded up against storm); and Earl Ferster (+15).

Future Programs:   

Oct. 20 – Kelly O’Brien-Gavin from Rural Business Innovation, will speak about the RBI, KIZ program and the incubator’s impact in Selinsgrove. Carol Handlan is the host, Melissa Laniewski is the greeter.

Oct. 27 – Vocational Program – Jennifer Haine, Director of the Sun Area Career and Technology Center, Chad Cohrs is the host. Dan Mahoney is the greeter, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Nov. 3 – TBA, Pat Pinkowski is the host, Charlie McCuen is the greeter. Nominating Committee Report, 1st call for nominations from the floor. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Nov.10 – TBA – Hal Dunkelberger is the host. Dave Lawer is the greeter. Nominating Committee Report, 2nd call for nominations from the floor. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Nov. 17 – Annual Meeting and Club Assembly, Election of Officers and Directors for 17-18, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays:   October  21 – John Reed. November 6 – Donna Schuck, 8 – Jerry Rhoads, 15 – Art Bowen.

Quotation:   “Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.”   Helen Keller