October 14, 2016

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Rotary Serving Humanity

Vol. 89, No. 15                               President – Mary Peterhaensel          Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: October 20, 2016 – Kelly O’Brien-Gavin from Rural Business Innovation, will speak about the RBI, KIZ program and the incubator’s impact in Selinsgrove. Carol Handlan is the host, Melissa Laniewski is the greeter. A Special Member Recognition will also occur. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

October 13, 2016:  Twenty-five Rotarians and guests (John Fischer’s Ecuadorian grandson, Erik Groes-Peterson and Jordan Harris, in addition to speaker) were present to hear Kelly Feiler speak about progress at The REC. Dave Lawer was the host. Kelly spoke about the goal of The REC – to inspire the engagement of all generations in Easter Snyder County in educational, recreational and charitable activities. Having just received its 501(c)(3) status, donations can now be made directly  at the address – 429 N. 8th Street, Selinsgrove. Jordan is an Americorp Vista volunteer working with The REC funded by a three year grant held jointly by Susquehanna University and The REC. In partnership with both the United Way and the YMCA, physical plant plans are currently being reviewed by SedaCog and it is expected that a list of what is needed for the structure to be completed will be available within the month. It is hoped that a grand opening will occur in May of 2017. John Fischer presented a check to Kelly for The REC from the SACF, representing a half of the proceeds from the Golf Tournament. A brief Nominating Committee meeting followed.

Announcements: SELL, SELL, SELL those tickets: John Stokinger reported that 639 tickets have been sold with more to go. PLEASE TURN IN FUNDS AND TICKET STUBS BY THE END OF THE WORK DAY TOMORROW, 10/14. Art Bowen says drop will occur at the SVCC at 5:30 p.m. Saturday and he will need help at the end of the event to pick up golf balls. Grand prize is $2500, First prize is $1000, 2nd prize is $500, 3rd prize is $250 (for the ball farthest from the hole). **Mallet Madness committee has begun its meetings and we are happy to announce that we already have our $5000 grand sponsor. This means that $100 will be given to every non-profit represented by a team in the tournament. Our goal is 45 teams.***Jared Roush reminded us of the Library book sale in Norry, and Carol Handlan spoke about the pop up store – Mobile Mercantile on Market St. this coming week.****Dave Lawer announced that given that Catherine Lucci has a full ride at Chapel Hill, the remaining 3 years on her scholarship has been awarded to Dylan Beaver who is attending Shippensburg.

International Moment: Dave Lawer requested that members close their eyes as he described housing in third world conditions and spoke about Haiti in crisis, especially following Matthew. He will be requesting that the Club donate to Shelter Box to be distributed in Haiti.

Sargent at arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: himself (Rotary involvement in development of The REC – Rocky Beaer, Mike Flock, Mike Piecuch, etc. and house guests coming and going); Mike Flock (speakers); Tom Gates (25 year friend and golf buddy and great foursome yesterday); Art Bowen (Karen’s successful hip replacement surgery, trip to Maine, John Stokingers GBD helper, and disorganized house); Bob Soper (organizing to move 11/4, trips to the VFW with items for the friends of the library sale); Mike Piecuch (guests, golf or Camp Cadet); Carol Handlan (Pop-up store, Mallet Madness grand sponsor, speakers and guests); John Stokinger (Columbus Day hike and The REC): Dave Lawer (Dottie, Marv’s work on the SACF Board); Mary Peterhaensel (late because of a stopped watch, thanks to Mike Piecuch); John Fischer (Kelly and Tom Gates including him yesterday); Ken Miller (hunting trip upcoming, and thinking about how vital Rotarians are in a whole variety of service activities in Selinsgrove); Charlie McCuen (Golf Ball Drop organizational skills of John S and and Art, speaker); Toby Skinner (REC, 25 acres plowed, planted and the rain); Joyce Anderson (missing last week, speakers, John and Art); and Earl Ferster (+15 and speaker).

Future Programs:   

Oct. 27 – Vocational Program – Jennifer Haine, Director of the Sun Area Career and Technology Center, Chad Cohrs is the host. Dan Mahoney is the greeter, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Nov. 3 – The speaker is Ecki Frier from Transitions,, Pat Pinkowski is the host, Charlie McCuen is the greeter. Nominating Committee Report, 1st call for nominations from the floor. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Nov.10 – TBA – Hal Dunkelberger is the host. Dave Lawer is the greeter. Nominating Committee Report, 2nd call for nominations from the floor. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Nov. 17 – Annual Meeting and Club Assembly, Election of Officers and Directors for 2017-18, Mary Peterhaensel presiding.  SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays:   October  21 – John Reed.  November 6 – Donna Schuck, 8 – Jerry Rhoads, 15 – Art Bowen.

Quotation:   “Success is achieving the goals you have set for yourself.”   Edward J. Koch