Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club
Rotary Serving Humanity
Vol. 89, No. 18 President – Mary Peterhaensel Editor – Dottie Anderson
Next Meeting: November 10, 2016 – Topic is Club Website. Hal Dunkelberger is the host, Dave Lawer is the greeter. Nominating Committee will provide second reading of the slate for 2017-18 and President Mary will make 2nd call for nominations from the floor. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
November 3, 2016: Twenty-three Rotarians were present as Ecki Frier spoke about the work of Transitions. Pat Pinkowski was the host, Charlie McCuen, the greeter. Transitions operates in Snyder, Union and Northumberland County, with two safe houses available. With funding from PCAR and grants Transitions provides services and education, concentrating on areas of domestic abuse, sexual assault, and human trafficking. This presentation was an “eye-opener” for many Rotarians. Guest and exchange student from Ecuador, Erik Groes-Peterson demonstrated his growing strength with the English language by speaking to the group about his family and life in Ecuador. Mike Piecuch, Chair, presented the Nominating Committee Slate for Officers and Directors for 2017-18 as follows: President – Toby Skinner; President Elect – Cheryl Stumpf; Vice President – Carol Handlan; Secretary – Hal Dunkelberger; Treasurer – John Fischer; Directors – New Generations, Marv Rudnitsky; Club, Art Bowen; Community, Jared Roush; Vocational, Sarah Maneval; International, Konrad Kempfe. There were no additional nominations from the floor.
International Moment: President Mary announced that the Club will be making its donation to Shelter Box ($1000) designating it to Haiti. Dave Lawer spoke about World Polio Day which was held 10/24, noting that in 1988 there were 350,000 cases of polio, down to 57 in 2015, and only 23 so far in 2016.
Announcements: Marv Rudnitsky, Dave Lawer, and Dottie Anderson will be interviewing a candidate for the outbound Rotary Exchange program later today.*The Golf Ball Drop earned the Club between $3,000 and $4,000.**Art Bowen presented a $250 check to Jeff Buckley for the Hummels Wharf Fire Company to thank them for assistance with the Golf Ball Drop.
Sargent at arms: Konrad Kempfe collected happy fines as follows: Happy Birthday to Donna Schuck (also back, daughter’s win); Dave Lawer (speaker, Erik, Seals Hockey, Jeff for GBD and flag help); Mike Piecuch (speaker and those who have said yes to leadership spots); Mike Flock (back from OBX); Ken Miller (Mary helping Erik with Englihs, 13 days in Colorado); Hal Dunkelberger (problem solved); Pat Pinkowski (rain and speaker); John Fischer (Erik, speaker, winning donation to Community Foundation being used to begin endowment fund for Rotary Scholarships); Charlie McCuen (40th reunion of law school and off to Florida); Joyce Anderson (Erik, Jeff, speaker); Jerry Rhoads (next week birthday holiday); Carol Handlan (guests and speaker); Art Bowen (speaker, Jeff, grandkids all A’s, success of SU and Seals athletics) and himself (Earl’s +15).
Future Programs:
Nov. 17 – Annual Meeting and Club Assembly, Election of Officers and Directors for 2017-18, Mary Peterhaensel presiding. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Nov. 24 – Happy Thanksgiving – No Club Meeting.
Dec.. 1 – Speaker will be US District Judge Matthew W Brann. John Reed is the host. Brien Neitz is the greeter. Board Meeting precedes this meeting at 11 a.m.; SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Dec. 8 – TBA, Jared Roush is the host, Michael Piecuch is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Dec. 15 – Speaker will be Susana Falk on the topic of clean water and Rotary work in Ecuador and Nicaragua. Konrad Kempfe is the host, John Reed is the greeter, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Dec. 22 – Holiday Lunch, Art Bowen is the host, Partners and guests welcome. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.
Birthdays: November 8 – Jerry Rhoads; 15 – Art Bowen. December 8 – Charlie McCuen; 10 – Marv Rudnitsky; 30 – Dottie Anderson.
Quotation: “Children have more need of models than of critics.” Joseph Joubert