February 16, 2017

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Rotary Serving Humanity

Vol. 89, No. 30        President – Mary Peterhaensel        Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: February 23, 2017 – Mark Cox, Shikellamy English teacher, will speak about the Peer Leadership Program. Don Summers is the host, Chery Stumpf is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

February 16, 2017:
Thirty Rotarians, were present as Rich Schrader from the Rusty Rail Brewing Company, LLC. Don Rowe was the host and Sarah Maneval was the greeter. The renovation, redesign and business development that has occurred at the former Yorktown Cabinetry factory in Mifflinburg is a story of good vision, entrepreneurship, marketing AND good food and craft beer. It seems clear that the John family made a the right decision when they invited Rich to move from working in marketing for RitzCraft to being engaged with his two “loves” of craft beers and good food. It was good to be together as a Club following need to cancel the 2/9 meeting because of snow and it was also good to welcome back President Mary following her return from Liberia. She shared a bit about her Africa adventure, including attending a Rotary Club meeting in Liberia.

Announcements: Mallet Madness – May 19-20, 2017 – planning continues.*Time to submit nominations to Joyce Anderson for the 2017 Distinguished Service Award.**Board has voted to increase dues beginning in July, 2017 to account for the increase in the District dues.***District Conference is scheduled for May 11-14 at Split Rock Lodge – see Hal for additional information.****The Shamokin Club is celebrating its 100th anniversary at the end of February.*****Thank you Dave Lawer for sharing e-mail from Catherine Lucci and information from SACF Board meeting about a past scholarship winner setting up a fun within the foundation that will eventually fund additional scholarships.

Sergeant at Arms:

Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: himself (speaker and Chile trip); Melissa Laniewski (being a new grandmother, back); Dave Lawer (Don Rowe for field work Marv, speaker); John Fischer (Barbados trip); Chad Cohrs (attending service for Fred Johnson, bb ball success); Art Bowen (SACF growth, Commons fund within $400 of goal, 46th wedding anniversary); Pat Pinkowski (speaker, family gathering for husband’s birthday); John Stokinger (product at Rusty Rail); Ken Miller (Mary’s help with Eric who is now home safe); Cheryl Stumpf (son’s acceptance and changing mind re future education, daughter’s upcoming indoor hockey tournament); Mike Flock (facetime with Brazil GSE team member from years ago and possible project); Joyce Anderson (guest Rotary husband Don, Mary and Toby); Dave Betz (son’s game winning shot); Mary Peterhaensel (trip and safe trip back, Toby); Don Rowe (speaker and Joyce); Mike Piecuch (speaker); Bob Fogle (Earl getting him to meetings); and Earl Ferster (good fellowship and +15).

Future Programs
March 2 – Vocational program trip to Timberhaven Log Homes in Middleburg, with lunch at Shade Mt. Winery, Toby Skinner is the host, Bob Soper is the greeter. Shade Mt.
Winery, 11:45 a.m. Signup sheet will be circulated.

March 9 – tentative – new Executive Director of Girls on the Run, Shannon Butters. Cheryl Stumpf is the host, Dottie Anderson is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Board Meeting precedes at 11 a.m.

March 16 – Club Assembly. Mary Peterhaensel presiding. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

March 23 – Jonathan Cataldi and Kevin Marrow from Hope United Methodist Church, will speak about Upward Sports Program, Sarah Maneval is the host, Dave Betz is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays: Mar. 15 – Mary Peterhaensel; 24 – Dave Lawer; 26 – Bill Clark; 31 – Ken Miller.

Quotation: “May the turbulence of our age yield to a true time of peace, when men and nations shall share a life that honors the dignity of each, the brotherhood of all.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower