March 6, 2017

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Rotary Serving Humanity

Vol. 89, No. 33      President – Mary Peterhaensel       Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: March 16, 2017 – TBA, Mary Peterhaensel presiding. Joyce Anderson is the greeter.  SVCC, 11:45 a.m. 


March 9, 2017:  Twenty-six Rotarians and a guest (Shawn Felty of Sire Advertising) were present for a presentation about Girls on the Run by three participants – Cassidy Stumpf, Anna Piecuch, and Tanea Frazer. Cheryl Stumpf was the host. A Board Meeting preceded this meeting. At the Board Meeting it was determined that we will ask Shawn to upgrade and “modernize” the Club web presence. It was delightful to hear from Cassidy, Anna, and Tanea how important and meaningful their participation in Girls on the Run turned out to be – all three have stayed involved and credit it with helping them develop self-confidence and enabled how they live life now that they are in high school. Cheryl Stumpf started Girls on the Run 7 years ago with eight girls and it has grown to now involve 800 girls in 6 central PA counties. The organization now has a fulltime Executive Director. Forty percent of the participants are on scholarship assistance. This positive growth development program also includes a community impact component, and is for girls who are in 3rd to 8th grade.

International Moment: Dave Lawer shared information about Clubs in France who have a program to work with the children in refugee centers. Announcements:   Mallet Madness – May 19-20, 2017 – planning continues.*There will not be a 2017 Distinguished Service Award.**Board has voted to increase dues beginning in July, 2017 to account for the increase in the District dues.***District Conference is scheduled for May 11-14 at Split Rock Lodge – see Hal for additional information.****The Four Way Test speech contest was held last Thursday evening at the high school, thanks to Marv and Brittany Bunting-Specht’s efforts. Carol Handlan, Pat Pinkowski and Marv Rudnitsky served as judges. Prize winner will attend a future Club meeting to give their speech. Mary Peterhaensel shared a picture of the forensics club and a thank you note to the members for our support.******4/8 is a Rotary Leadership Workshop in Lewisburg that Mary and Hal will be attending. Please speak with Hal if you are interested in going along.

Sergeant at Arms: Konrad Kempfe collected happy fines as follows: Several fines were paid in honor of our three student speakers (John Fischer, Bill Clark, Cheryl Stumpf (also Raise the Region), Carol Handlan, Joyce Anderson, Sarah Maneval (also leaving early), Konrad Kempfe, Dave Lawer (also granddaughter, Bucknell BBall, missed meeting), and Earl Ferster (speakers and their energy, and +15).

Future Programs

March 23 – Jonathan Cataldi and Kevin Marrow from Hope United Methodist Church, will speak about Upward Sports Program, Sarah Maneval is the host, Dave Betz is the greeter. John Stokinger will edit the newsletter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

March 30 – Heather Laubach, Camp Victory Director, will be our speaker. Dave Betz is the host. Substitute editor needed. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

April 6 – Marlana Flaharety from Far Point Animal Rescue will be the speaker, Sarah Maneval is the host. Bill Clark is the greeter. SVCC, 11:45 a.m. Board Meeting precedes at 11 a.m.

April 13 – TBA – Joyce Anderson is the host, SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

Birthdays:    Mar. 15 – Mary Peterhaensel; 24 – Dave Lawer; 26 – Bill Clark; 31 – Ken Miller. April 6 – Brian Neitz; 7 – Bob Soper, Ken Wagner; 28 – Bob Fogle.


Quotation: “Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation.”                              C. Everett Koop