April 06, 2017

Selinsgrove Area Rotary Club

Rotary Serving Humanity

Vol. 89, No. 35        President – Mary Peterhaensel     Editor – Dottie Anderson

Next Meeting: April 13, 2017. Lunch at Vinnie’s in Middleburg (former Cole’s Hardware building), followed by a tour of Timberhaven Log Homes. Meet at Vinnie’s, 33 S. Main Street, at 11:45 a.m. If you’ve missed signing up, please call Toby Skinner a.s.a.p. at 570-374-8285.


April 6, 2017: Marlana Flaherty from Far Point Animal Rescue was the speaker, with Sarah Maneval hosting and Bill Clark greeting. Founded by Marlana’s parents, Patricia and Franklin Sterner 20 years ago, it is located in Port Trevorton and is home currently to 19 abused or abandoned horses, as well as cats and dogs, and 9 parrots. Far Point, provides many opportunities for volunteers to connect with the animals in many aspect of their daily care. Students from Susquehanna and Bucknell, as well as high school students have served as volunteers. In addition special needs children and adults and persons assigned by the court system benefit from the work at Far Point and the opportunity to connect with animals. Clearly a labor of love, constant fund-raising is required to cover approximately $3000 per month in expenses. A Board Meeting preceded the regular meeting.

International Moment: Every member is challenged to contribute $26.50 this Rotary Year (ends at the end of June) to the Rotary International Foundation in recognition of the first donation made toward the foundation. This can be done on line or via the mail.

Announcements:   Mallet Madness – May 19-20, 2017 – planning continues. Donna distributed the sponsorship brochures. John S reminded all of the potential sponsors to help recruit players for their special charity.*There will not be a 2017 Distinguished Service Award.**Board has voted to increase dues beginning in July, 2017 to account for the increase in the District dues.***District Conference is scheduled for May 11-14 at Split Rock Lodge – see Hal for additional information. Mary will be making a presentation about the activities of the Selinsgrove Club and is has asked specific members to provide additional information about particular projects.****4/8 is a Rotary Leadership Workshop in Lewisburg that Mary and Hal will be attending. Please speak with Hal if you are interested in going along.*****Marv Rudnitsky announced that we now know that our 16 year old female inbound exchange student is from South Korea and has excellent English language skills.  Please consider being a host family and/or contributing toward the $100 per month spending money that is to be provided to the student.******Bob Soper delivered folders to the Board related to completing the archives. We do need a member (two if possible) to step up to take over theses duties.*******Dave Lawer announced that the selection process is underway for the 2017 scholarship recipients.

Sergeant at Arms: Marv Rudnitsky collected happy fines as follows: himself (Bob Soper for all his work for this Club); John Stokinger (speaker, Red Sox wins); Cheryl Stumpf (speaker and weekend away with hubby); John Fischer (Bob Soper, Mike Flock); Toby Skinner (Biob, Chamber Music at the middle school); Mike Piecuch (back and wife’s knee surgery successful); Carol Handlan (Rotary jokester);Joyce Anderson (Bob, speaker, grandson’s performance); Mary Peterhaensel (Bob); Dave Lawer (speaker, Bob, SACF and visiting at the Master’s); Bill Clark (Bob, Nationals undefeated); Tom Gates (wonderful time in Florida with family); Mike Flock (daughter’s house renovation and HGTV – he’ll let us know the date); Wes Knapp (still snow at home in NY, Bob); and Earl Ferster (speaker, Bob, and +15).

Future Programs

April 20 – Marilyn Botdorf of the Foster Grandparent Program will be the speaker. Melissa Laniewski is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

April 27 – Mallet Madness and a role for every Selinsgrove Rotarian – with presenters John Stokinger and Jared Roush. Dottie Anderson is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

May 4 – Speaker is Charlie Benner on the 35th anniversary of the World’s Longest Banana Split. Ken Miller is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

May 11 – SACF/Rotary Club 2017 Scholarship Recipients. Dave Lawer is the host. SVCC, 11:45 a.m.

 Birthdays:  April 6 – Brian Neitz; 7 – Bob Soper, Ken Wagner; 28 – Bob Fogle. May 15 – John Stokinger.

 Quotation: “The only preparation for tomorrow is the right use of today.”  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe